Tag: concrete tanks

Use of concrete tanks in the reproduction of Nile tilapia in Benin

Credit: Ismael Radwan (Egypt) The photo shows the concrete tanks used in the spawning of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus as well as the controlled collection of fry and broodstock handling. Tanks are rectangular with 3 x 8 meters while water depth could be adjusted depending on activities. During the spawning, each tank is stocked with …

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Hatchery-produced tilapia seed in Guatemala – Video

Credit video: Manuel Cano Alfaro (Guatemala) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal  and   Manuel Cano Alfaro The video has been taken in one of the few tilapia hatcheries in Guatemala. This particular hatchery provides tilapia fingerlings in the coastal area. The video shows the hatchery facilities including earthen ponds, metal tanks and concrete tanks. The sampling of …

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Urban aquaculture in the Philippines

Credit: Hannibal M. Chavez (Philippines) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) has strengthened its program on aquaculture sub-sector. Researches on the intensification of culture techniques and practices are conducted prior to technology dissemination. Techno-demo on fish culture in concrete tanks and plastic drums utilizing high value species is targeted as an alternative livelihood for family/fisherfolk. …

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Research and training facility of the World Fish Center (Abbassa – Egypt) – Video

Video credit: Hussein Ali Mohammed Alshihi (Sultanate of Oman) The video shows the facility of the World Fish Center (Abbassa – Egypt). The outdoor facilities include earthen ponds of different sizes that range from 400-m2 – 2000-m2. The green house area -annexed to the main building- include concrete tanks of various sizes which are used for …

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Water path in a closed aquaculture system for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Egypt -A (Video)

Credit for the video: Victor Hugo (Peru)        Information source: Ismael Radwan (Egypt)         Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The video shows water cycle in a closed system of tilapia aquaculture. The video shows the upward pumping of the water discharged from the production tanks into an overhead reservoir which …

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Fry collection of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in concrete tanks – Aswan (Egypt)- Video

The video shows how tilapia fry is collected from concrete tanks which belong to a tilapia hatchery in Aswan. The method shown in the video targets to minimize the handling stress during this operation especially tilapia fry are delicate in relation to such operation. Fry collection starts with tank drainage till water level is significantly …

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Feeding the fingerlings of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in concrete tanks (Egypt)- Video

This video presents the feeding of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in concrete tanks

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Harvest of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from an intensive fish farm in Egypt (Video)

Credit for the video: Samuel Simon Zigizo (South Sudan) – Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This short video which shows the harvest of all-male of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) indicates the high density of fish in the culture unit (cement tanks). Fish production in this specific farm ranges from 45-50 kg/m3. Handling of harvested fish …

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Integrated tilapia farming and agriculture in Wafra (Kuwait)

In this model, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has been farmed in concrete tanks in agriculture farms where agricultural crops such as alfa alfa, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, etc., are cultivated. Such integrated farms are located in several locations including Al-Wafra, the location the attach picture shows. In order to facilitate draining, tanks are constructed abovr ground level. Water used in these …

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