Tag: research station

Tilapia aquaculture in Burundi (in French) – Video

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi)   This video belongs to the “Direction du Centre National de Developpement de l’aquaculture et de la Peche Artisanala”- CNDAPA. The video is mainly on-dike lecture with the facilities of the station in the background and. The video contents reach in full the French speakers. However, being English speaker myself, I was …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=12628

Collection of armoured catfish (Auchenoglanis occidentalis) for research in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia) This photo shows a fisheries Officer doing collection of armoured catfish (Auchenoglanis occidentalis) from the wild. This species is still being studied at a Government aquaculture Research station in Luapula Province, for possible induced reproduction in captivity. This expensive fish species is favored by many people in Zambia. Note: We decided not to watermark …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=7706

Feeding tilapia fingerlings in Kigembe research station (Video)

Credit of the video: Emmanuel Hahirwabasenga and Rwigiriza Augustin Kanimba (Rwanda) – Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This video shows the feeding of tilapia fingerlings in earthen ponds at the research facility of Kigembe, Rwanda. As shown in the video, the feed looks like a ration-type feed and is spread in a feeding ring which …

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