Abdel Rahman El Gamal

Author's posts

Conditioning settlement plates for sea cucumber

Credit: Rayner Pitt (United Kingdom) This photo shows stacks of plates being conditioned before being put into a larval rearing tank for settlement. At that time either cultured algae were added to the water in the conditioning tank, or unfiltered seawater was allowed to run through it. (This latter method may have contributed to the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2421

Alternate artificial spawning protocol of Rio Grande silvery minnow to minimize genetic. By: Tave and Hutson

Credit: Douglas Tave and Alison Hutson (USA): Alternate artificial spawning protocol of Rio Grande silvery minnow to minimize genetic. and to maximize the retention of rare alleles. This paper addresses the following topics: Captive Propagation and Genetics, Inbreeding, Effective breeding number, Genetic drift, Allele frequency and Artificial Propagation of Rio Grande Silvery Minnow. [important]Alternate artificial …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2411

Fish farmers’ training in Uganda

Credit: Enima Chris (Uganda) This photo shows a 2-day training program that has been tailored for a target group of fish farmers. Farmers are drawn from a number of areas. The training is conducted at the demonstration site. This training aimed to expose fish farmers to better developed fish farming grounds so that they can …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2402

Fishing canoes (dugout) in Uganda

Credit: Enima Chris (Uganda) This picture shows abandoned fishing canoes namely dugout canoes. Because of its small size, these canoes can move easy especially in unfavorable fishing zones  like the breeding sites where they can have high fish catchability especially of immature fish. The poverty and lack of funds within the fishing community compels fishermen …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2397

Artisanal fishery in the Nile (Uganda)

Credit:Enima Chris (Uganda) The overview of the Nile shows the heavy coverage of the river with aquatic plants such as water hyacinth and papyrus which tend to block fishing activities by the fishermen. However, fishermen cut through the plants and set their nets. The common gears and methods used include, gillnets, beach seine, tycooning, spears, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2385

A Demonstration fish farm in Manibe (Uganda)

Credit: Enima Chris (Uganda) This photo shows grow out fish ponds located in Manibe sub country. The farm belongs to a fish farmer (Mr. Obedmoth Alfred) of Manibe. The farm is being used as demonstration site for fish farmers. There are a total of four grow-out earthen ponds of 25×30 m2 each. Ponds are stocked …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2376

Fish ovulation and egg overripe

This 2-slide information bite addresses the ovulation of fish female in regard to timing and indicators. Focus has been placed on the importance of collecting the spawn short time after ovulation before eggs turn overripe which means losing the chance for fertilization. The period from ovulation and eggs turn overripe vary according to some factors …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2367

Enhancing fish hatchery practices – Extending solution (Ringer solution)

This single-slide information bite addresses facts related to fish sperm and its longivity. Enhancing the longivity as well as the fertilization of fish eggs is the focus of this bite. The composition and use of Ringer solution is covered in this breif. Also, the referigation of sperm solution. [important]Enhancing fish hatchery practices – Extending solutions[/important]

Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2355

Fish spawning induction – pituitary gland

This 3-slide information bite addresses the role of pituitary gland in the spawning induction. This topic addresses factors influence the effectivness of pituitary gland and the concentration of gonadotropic hormones. The collection and storage of pituitary glands have been addressed in the information bite. [important]Fish spawning induction – pituitary gland[/important]

Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2343

Economics of fish feeding

This information bite address fish feeding focusing on economics. Due to the economic law of dimenishing returns, ad libitum feeding is not recommended in commercial aquaculture. This information bite addresses the considerations of fry feeding as well as untraditional feed stuffs. [important]Economics of fish feeding[/important]  

Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2336

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