Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal لأن الأعلاف المتخصصة للجمبرى مرتفعة السعر خاصة وأنها مستوردة، فإن إجراءات إدارة الحوض تستهدف دائما فقد الأعلاف التى يمكن أن تنتج عن الإفراط فى التغذية وفى نفس الوقت تقدم كمية الغذاء التى تحقق أفضل معدلات النمو. فى الحوض …
Category: A.A. EL GAMAL
Items under ownership of Abdel Rahman El Gamal, PhD
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Mar 22 2014
Culture of Indian white shrimp, Penaeus indicus in Egypt: Grow-out/sampling (5 out of 6) -in Arabic
Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal تعبر الصور المرفقة عن إجراء العينات خلال فترة التربية فى أحواض التربية والتى توجد تحديدا فى مزرعة جمبرى تقع فى منطقة المثلث على طريق بورسعيد – دمياط فى مصر. طوال فترة التربية، تؤخذ العينات مرة كل أسبوعين …
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Mar 20 2014
Culture of Indian white shrimp, Penaeus indicus in Egypt: Grow-out/sampling (5 out of 6)
Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The photos are related to the shrimp sampling during the grow-out in shrimp ponds in this particular shrimp farm located along Port Said-Damietta road, Egypt. Shrimp are sampled biweekly for key purposes including the assessment of growth rate, …
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Mar 20 2014
Culture of Indian white shrimp, Penaeus indicus in Egypt: Grow-out/feeding (4 out of 6)
Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Because the specialized shrimp feed is expensive especially when the feed used is imported, efforts are spent to minimize the feed waste caused by overfeeding and in the same time provide the proper quantity of feed for best …
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Mar 16 2014
Culture of Indian white shrimp in Egypt: Nursing of post larvae (2 out of 6)
Credit: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO), Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The post larvae (PL) of the Indian white prawn (Penaeus indicus) upon purchasing from shrimp hatcheries are typically PL-15. Shrimp farms which have nursing facilities such as this farm receive the PL-15 shrimp for nursing in such polyethylene lined facility as shown …
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Mar 03 2014
Short-nosed unicornfish (Description – habitats – feeding habits – reproduction)- Video
Source: The video was taken in the Sea World, San Diego, USA Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) General: The short-nosed unicornfish (Naso brevirostris) which belongs to the family Acanthuridae has other names including spotted unicornfish, and brown unicornfish. In general, it is a very peaceful fish whether in the wild …
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Feb 17 2014
Enumeration of plankton using Sedgewick-Rafter chamber
This 2-slide information bite addresses the use and specifications of the chamber. The procedures of filling the chamber and so the microscopic examination has been addressed in details.
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