Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Culture of Cachama white (Piaractus brachypomus) in Colombia

Credit: Eudes Emilio Sanchez (Colombia) The fish specimen shown in the photo is White Cachama, (Piaractus brachypomus) which belongs to the family Serrasalmidae. The Cachama white is a native to Colombia and widely distributed within South America, The species enjoys consumer preference and so good market due to its good quality flesh.  This species suits well …

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Use of top netting to exclude fish-eating birds (Colombia)

Credit: Eudes Emilio Sanchez (Colombia) The top structures seen over the fish ponds are lines of thread, which are used as a network to prevent fish poaching by birds. These lines of thread are made of weather-resistant materials, and must be placed at a height of 1.8 meters above pond dikes to act against birds and …

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Garden eels, Heteroconger sp. (Description, feeding – reproduction) – Video

This video was taken at Monterey Bay Aquarium, California, USA Introduction and description: The garden eels belong to the conger eel family, Congridae. They are also known as Hass’s Garden Eel. These small thin, tube-like eels burrow into the sand on the sea floor, usually near coral reefs in tropical water. Since they tend to live in large groups, the …

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Green moray eels, Gymnothorax funebris (Biology, geographic range, and adaptation) – Video

Video credit: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia)     Technical review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal   This video was taken in mundo marino and te mostramos lo que pasa en el fondo, Colombia Introduction: The “Green moray eels”, Gymnothorax funebris are also known as “green conger”, “green congo”, “green eel”, and “olive-green moray eel”. They belong to the family Muraenidae. Based on few documents on green …

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Success story: Backyard hatchery of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Thailand

This type of hatcheries looked attractive to particular segment of producers who target profitable and small-scale operations especially when could be operated by family members whenever possible. Backyard hatcheries were able during 1980s to provide the required numbers of post larvae to freshwater prawn farms.  The attached photos were taken during my visit to Thailand …

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Historic information: When fishing in iced lakes to feed the dogs is of top concern to Eskimos (1934/35)

Information source: Edward Shackleton, 1936, Arctic Journey, the story of the Oxford University Ellesmere Land Expedition, Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton Limited. Introduction to this post: When distilling this piece of information for posting, I intended to share with you few issues of specific relation such as the fishing in iced lakes (e.g. Lake Hazen) whereas …

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Farming practices of freshwater prawn, macrobrachium rosenbergii in the Philippines

Credit: Hannibal M. Chavez (Philippines) The present practice of freshwater prawn farming is done in cages in the lake. This proved to be a viable technology since the culture period is relatively shorter (160 days) compared to pond culture (180 to 240 days) to achieve a marketable size prawn. Providing shelters to prawn at 1 pc …

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Smart and simple feeders in cage farming of tilapia in Egypt during 1980s

During 1980s and 1990s, demand feeders were not introduced into Egypt and in the same, the floating fish feed was not produced. Cage farmers invented this smart and effective feeder shown in the photo. The feeder is made of local materials which is already available for variety of purposes. Cage farmers introduced another simple method …

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Smart water sampler made of PVC pipe and a tennis ball (USA, 1980s)

There are commercial water samplers of various brands which are available in the market. Water samples in general target obtaining water samples from desired depths without affecting its physical/chemical properties. During my graduate program at 1980s at Auburn University, USA, I have used this simple water sampler which was there in the field station. As …

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Red Sea fauna – Sea anemone (General Features – feeding habits – reproduction)

Photo credit: To a gentleman who I met once and it is shame to miss his name (thanks friend for the collection you shared with me years ago and forgive my weak memory) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal General Features: Even though the photo is comparable to “North Red Sea anemone” it safer to describe the general …

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