Tag: feed conversion ratio

Smart and simple feeders in cage farming of tilapia in Egypt during 1980s

During 1980s and 1990s, demand feeders were not introduced into Egypt and in the same, the floating fish feed was not produced. Cage farmers invented this smart and effective feeder shown in the photo. The feeder is made of local materials which is already available for variety of purposes. Cage farmers introduced another simple method …

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Culture of meagre (Argyrosomus regius) in Egypt

Credit: Sherif Sadek (Egypt) Meagre (meager) proved to be a new candidate in Egyptian aquaculture. The preliminary efforts to adapt Meagre to aquaculture were done by the private sector, starting in 1996 in Damietta Governorate. Ongoing meagre farming operations rely on trash fish and small shrimp as the only feeding source whereas a harvest of …

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Trout grading and feeding in Peru (in Spanish)

Credit: Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) SELECCIÓN: Es la actividad que permite clasificar  grupos de peces formando “Lotes”  desde los más grandes hasta los más pequeños. Las selecciones dependen de los resultados de las biometrías. ALIMENTACIÓN: Consta de 6 raciones al día de alimento balanceado, que a comparación de las zonas altas solo son 2 – 3 veces. Los FCA se …

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