Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Artificial coral reef culture (Indonesia)

Credit: Anna Jamil (Indonesia) The photo shows the plantation of artificial coral reef. Even though the purpose of coral transplantation may vary, ecological issues remain the main focus. Artificial reefs contribute to the restoration of marine ecosystem, reduce the impact of marine erosion, and serve as refugees for growing of ornamental fish. Stakeholders related to …

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Checking the spawning of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in hapa system in Egypt (Video)

This video shows how the 2-person crew check the spawning of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in open hatchery system using hapas in earthen ponds. The crew are working at both sides of the spawning hapa. The gradually crowd tilapia broodstock to facilitate their handling. The intervals between checking depend on water temperature and target product whether fry …

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Intensive cage farming of Nile tilapia and African catfish in Lake Chad (in French)

This project proposal has been developed by a working group who participated in Fish Culture Development training course in 2011 under the supervision of Dr. Abdel Rahman El Gamal. The main focus of this project proposal is cage farming of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), and African catfish (Clarias sp.) in Lake Chad. The document included the …

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Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt- Part 3- water quality management

Credit: Mohamed El Gazaar (Egypt) Supply of water, aeration and removal of solid wastes As shown in the photo the supply of water is done at an angle of 45o. Placing the aerators at the same angle helps to circulate and move tank water in one direction which will lead to better oxygenation of tank …

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Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt Part 2- Construction

Credit: Mohamed El Gazaar (Egypt) The first photo shows two types of tanks during the construction phase while the second photo shows the concrete base of the fattening circular tanks. Intermediate tanks: The 150-m3 rectangular tanks are used for the production of Nile tilapia juveniles of an average weight of 50-g which are required for …

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Desert aquaculture of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt Part 1- General features

Credit: Mohamed El Gazaar (Egypt) The first photo shows tilapia harvest of grow-out tank in a desert fish farm with a production capacity of 120 tons of fish/year. The production practices are intensified in this farm whereas production ranges from 28-32 kg of tilapia/m3 during a 4-month growing season. The underground water of a temperature …

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Sociedad de Producción Rural La Peña de Potrero de Monroy, Hidalgo, México (in Spanish)

Credit: Jorge Valdiviezo (Mexico) Unidad de Producción de trucha localizada a 1,815 msnm, cuenta con 11 estanques de corriente rápida y 4 piletas de alevinaje los cuales  en conjunto forman una superficie de producción de 433 m2, en promedio se obtienen 26 toneladas al año. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order …

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Fingerling production and grow out of tilapia in Hidalgo, Mexico (in Spanish)

Credit: Jorge Valdiviezo (Mexico) Unidad de producción de crías de tilapia ubicada a una altitud de 1,575 msnm, cuenta con siete piletas, incubadoras y 5 estanques para la engorda bajo un sistema semiintensivo de producción obteniendo en promedio 120 toneladas anuales. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its …

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Rural carp aquaculture in Hidalgo, Mexico (in Spanish)

Credit: Jorge Valdiviezo (Mexico) Estanques a donde se produce Carpa, en la imagen se aprecia como los productores de zonas rurales  utilizan forraje para la alimentación complementaria y así reducir costos de producción Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us …

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Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus when integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt- Part 3- water quality management (in Arabic)

Credit: Mohamed El Gazzar (Egypt) الأمداد بالمياه والتهوية والتخلص من الفضلات الصلبة كما هو واضح من الصورة يتم دخول المياه إلى أحواض التسمين بزاوية 45 درجة كما يتم وضع وسيلة التهوية فى نفس الاتجاه مما يؤدى الى دوران المياه وتحريكها فى اتجاه واحد مما يساعد على زيادة الأكسيجين بالحوض والتخلص من المكونات الصلبة. تعمل حركة …

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