Collection of mullet fry in Egypt

Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)

Mullet farming still depends on naturally collected fry whereas the artificial reproduction of mullet is carried out at experimental levels in Egypt. There are several stations where mullet fry are collected. Key mullet species are flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus), thin-lipped grey mullet (Liza ramada), and keeled mullet (Liza carinata). The seasonality of the collection vary among species; while the fry of M. cephalus are collected during August-December; the L. ramada fry are collected during December till April. Also, there are spatial influence on collected species; the fry of keeled mullet are more dominant in the Suez region. The collection of mullet fry takes place under governmental supervision and restricted for 6 hours per day in order to allow the capture fishery to obtain a fair share of the fry. It is hoped that one day, the hatchery-produced fry of mullet will be available at a reasonable cost and sufficient quantity to fulfill the requirement of Egyptian aquaculture.

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