Development of marine aquaculture in Gaza Strip (Palestine)

Photo credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine)

Review: Masoud Keshta and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)




Marine aquaculture in Gaza Strip began to exist in 2008 whereas 8 tons of fish were produced from two farms. Afterwards, steadily developments along with increased production reaching about 700 tons of gilthead seabream and European seabass produced by three farms at the moment. The inserted picture has been taken in the largest farm the took place At present, there are three farms producing about 700 tons; out of which 500 tons are produced in the farm shown in the inserted picture.

This particular farm is located in Rafah Governorate, Gaza Strip. Originally, the farm was established in 2007 to produce tilapia with a production of about ten tons/year.

After two years of tilapia production, a major change in the farm direction took place and the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and the European seabass (Dicentrachus labrax) have been the target species. This particular farm receives its water from wells located close to the sea. The imported fingerlings are grown in metal tanks covered with plastic sheets.

The current fish production of this particular farm is about 500 tons/year; out of which about 40 tons of seabass while the seabream harvest amounted 460 tons. Harvested fish has been locally marketed in Gaza before expanding the marketing chain to include hotels and restaurants especially those which have been established near, turning the area into a touristic place. The current plan of the farm is to increase its production to enable the marketing of the fish in the West Bank as well as in Jordan whenever feasible.

The establishment of a marine hatchery has been planned to provide the required fingerlings for the marine farms whether land-based farms or cages.



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