Accidental occurrence of Bagrus bayad in a fish pond in Egypt

Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)


Bayad (Bagrus bayad) is an important food fish that enjoys a high consumer preference. Almost all produced bayad is captured from natural waters in Egypt. The species occurs naturally freshwater water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and swamps.

The inserted picture was taken in a fish farm in Egypt in which the shown specimen of bayad was caught. The size of the bayad indicates the high growth rate the species enjoy.

Since the species was not intentionally stocked in the fish pond, it may be possible that small fry of bayad found their way to the pond whether mixed with stocked fish or sneaky entering the pond through whatever space around the pond screen.

Bayad feeds near the bottom whereas adults are piscivorous feeding mainly on small fish, insects, crustaceans, and mollusks. The fry of bayad feeds on copepods while small-size bayad feeds on detritus, small crustaceans, insects, and fish. Their feeding habits imply that if the bayad which could occur accidentally in a fish pond is of larger size than stocked fish, this may pose a threat on stocked fish through predation otherwise no threats to stocked fish is expected.

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