Status of red tilapia in Egyptian aquaculture – Video

This video has been compiled of four parts that have been filmed in four aquaculture projects in Egypt. Identified parts are credited to Marx Perfecto C. Garcia (Philippines) and Sherif Sadek (Egypt). The below review is my personal opinion (Abdel Rahman El Gamal – Founder the video channel)

The introduction of red tilapia into Egypt goes back to late 1980s whereas specific shipments were received from South-East Asian countries, United Arab Emirates and finally from Taiwan. Since then, red tilapia continues to exist here and there but without noticeable booming and hence it is almost not found on fish displays. When compared with red tilapia in Latin American countries (e.g. Colombia) or in Asia (Vietnam, Taiwan) and others, the status of red tilapia in Egypt did not witness comparable development. The reasons for such stagnation in red tilapia could be attributed to several factors. At the level of consumers, it was not clear that red tilapia enjoyed consumer preference especially Egyptian consumers are not accustomed to eating Sashimi that is mainly raw fish whereas red tilapia with its purple abdomen would be advantageous for such dish compared to the dark abdomens for naturally colored tilapia.

At the production levels, the reproduction of red tilapia hybrids resulted in offspring with different coloration patterns and hence the initial attractive colors were not maintained.

Added to that, the relative salinity tolerance of red tilapia and hence its potential culture in saline water was not justified since by no means, red tilapia could compete with marine fish in regard to market value highlighting that marine fish/shrimp species remain to be the candidates for marine waters. In brief, as long as the market situation as well as the production situation remains the same, there is no major change in the status of red tilapia is expected.

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