A word of thanks from the participants in the Warm Water Fish Production training course (2012)

EICA JICA 2012This is an example of a word of thanks addressed to myself from the friends who participated in Warm Water Fish Production training course during 2012. This annual training course is being organized by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA) in partnership with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). This course has hosted 15 participants from 11 countries. The names and countries of friends who provided this word of thanks are: Burundi (Alain Murekambanze and Jean-Marie Manirambona), Cameroon (Elie Badai and Jean Blaise Ngollong Njangi), Congo Kinshasa (Maisha Katintima), Gabon (Charles Ibinga Maganga), Ghana (Grace Charway), Malawi ( Gaves Mulaleya), Rwanda (Emmanuel Hahirwabasenga and Rwigiriza Augustin Kanimba), South Sudan (Juma Frezar), Sudan (Amal Abdlla and Lutfy Idris), Tanzania (Mussa Kayanda) and Uganda (Charles Yiga).



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