Tag: changing sex

Changing sex phenomenon in clownfish – Video

Video credit: Mohamed Hassan (Egypt) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel)             This video was filmed in Marsa Alam (Red Sea), Egypt Information on the phenomenon of changing sex in clownfish is found on the video addressing situations where a male may change sex in a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=13360

Giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus – Video

This video was filmed in the Sea World, San Diego, USA Source: www.fishconsult.org Giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) The giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus), which belongs to the family Serranidae is also known as brindle bass, brown spotted cod, or bumblebee grouper and as the Queensland giant grouper in Australia. The species is the largest reef-dwelling bony …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=12924

Napoleon fish, Cheilinus undulatus (Biology, distribution, threats and conservation) – Video

This short clip was taken at the Sea World, California, USA Source: www.fishconsult.org  –  Video and text ownership: Abdel Rahman ElGamal Introduction: The Napoleon fish, Cheilinus undulatus has more common names including humphead wrasse, humphead or Maori wrasse. This species one of the largest members of the family Labridae as well as all coral reef …

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