Video submitted by: Rory Felix Mamani (Bolivia) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel) This short video shows the packing and transporting of harvested fish in ice boxes. Icing of fish is shown in the video. Fish gutting, baking and serving are addressed in the video.
Tag: fish icing
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Sep 22 2013
Sea water ice (features and uses)
This one-slide bite tackles the sea-water ice in regard to the rationality and effectiveness in preserving fish. A comparison between freshwater ice and sea-water ice has been highlighted especially in regard to the melting temperature and possible effect on chilled fish.
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Aug 28 2013
Fish sale by basket (Alexandria – Egypt) – Video
Source: Video credit: Lylian Wilfred Lugobola (Tanzania) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This video shows fish sale by basket as promoted by some retail fish shops in Alexandria, Egypt. Each basket has one marine fish species. Usually fish are not iced indicating by fish sellers that fish are very fresh and are just …
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