Tag: indoor and outdoor facilities

Natural spawning of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Egypt – Video

Video credit: Lylian Lugobola (Tanzania)         Information: Ismael Radwan (Egypt)     Text: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This video shows the natural spawning of African catfish, Clarias garepinus which is claimed (by many producers) to be easier and more economical as compared to artificial spawning especially in the light of its reasonable productivity. …

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A fish farm for meat production of sturgeon hybrid in Uruguay (management)

Credit: Alejandro Perretta (Uruguay) The early stages takes place indoor under controlled conditions (incubators) as seen in one of the photos. The incubation and hatching is done for imported fertilized eggs of sturgeon hybrids within the genus Acipenser. As shown in the remaining photos, the Indoor-produced sturgeon fingerlings are moved to tanks of relatively small …

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