Natural spawning of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Egypt – Video

Video credit: Lylian Lugobola (Tanzania)         Information: Ismael Radwan (Egypt)     Text: Abdel Rahman El Gamal

This video shows the natural spawning of African catfish, Clarias garepinus which is claimed (by many producers) to be easier and more economical as compared to artificial spawning especially in the light of its reasonable productivity. The dimension of the spawning tank in the hatchery is 3×8 m. To ensure at least one successful spawn in each tank,   the tank is stocked with 2 males and 2 females of catfish broodstock. About 5,000 – 6,000 catfish fry are produced in each tank. After about 10-15 days of broodstock stocking, hatched fry are collected and moved to a well fertilized 1000-m2 outdoor earthen pond which is stocked at the rate of 50,000 – 60,000 fry/pond. Palm tree leaves placed in the spawning tanks are believed to provide substrates to fertilized eggs and hatched larvae.

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