Tag: Sturgeon

Sturgeon nutrition and feeding

Photo credit: Facundo Marquez (Estuario del Plata – Uruguay) Review: Facundo Marquez and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)       This photo has been taken in a commercial caviar producing farm in Uruguay. The feed mill shown in the inserted photo belongs to the farm and produced feed and feed ingredients are certified …

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Sturgeon farming and caviar production in France – Video

Credit: Laurent DeverLanges (France – Caviar de Neuvic) Review : Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel and website)   The video tours a facility dedicated for the production of caviar. The sturgeon farm has been established in November 2011. The 19-hectar farm is located in the town of Neuvic, along the banks of …

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Production of sturgeon caviar and meat in a commercial enterprise in Uruguay- Video

Video credit:Facundo Marquez (Estuario del Plata – Uruguay) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel) The enterprise has a production capacity of about 10 tons of caviar and 700 tons of sturgeon meat every year. The facility is located at the Rincón del Bonete Reservoir on the River Negro. The facility has land-based …

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A fish farm for meat production of sturgeon hybrid in Uruguay (management)

Credit: Alejandro Perretta (Uruguay) The early stages takes place indoor under controlled conditions (incubators) as seen in one of the photos. The incubation and hatching is done for imported fertilized eggs of sturgeon hybrids within the genus Acipenser. As shown in the remaining photos, the Indoor-produced sturgeon fingerlings are moved to tanks of relatively small …

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A fish farm for meat production of sturgeon hybrid in Uruguay (overview)

Credit: Alejandro Perretta (Uruguay) These photos belong to a sturgeon farm that is exclusively dedicated to meat production of sturgeon in Uruguay. The farm is located in Rio Nigro in Departamento de Tacuarembó province. Farm facility includes indoor and outdoor facilities. So far the complete reproduction cycle of sturgeon in Uruguay is at the research …

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Farming of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) for caviar production in Uruguay (Caviar obtaining)

Credit: Alejandro Perretta (Uruguay) Upon the end of raceway phase in raceways when fish are at 6 years of age, sturgeon females are slaughtered and caviar (eggs) is obtained. The photo shows female fish which are prepared before slaughtering. A female when slaughters measures about 1.5 meter in length and weighs about 8 kg. Caviar …

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Farming of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) for caviar production in Uruguay (facilities and culture phases)

Credit: Alejandro Perretta (Uruguay) The three photos show of an establishment for the culture of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerlii) that is located on “Departamento de Durazno” on the Rio Negro “Black River”. This facility is the most developed sturgeon farming activity in Uruguay. The target of this project is to obtain caviar. Different breeding phases …

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