Photo credit: Nathan Chama (Zambia) Description: Nathan Chama and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted picture shows a woman while drying some Tanganyika sardine Stolothrissa miodon which is known in Zambia as “kapenta”. The sardine drying takes place on the beaches of Lake Tanganyika in Nsumbu area (Zambia). Dried kapenta fetches …
Tag: Lake Tanganyika sardine
Dec 18 2018
Drying of Lake Tanganyika sardines in Zambia
- By aelgamal in Fish processing (Cleaning - cooling - freezing - drying - salting - smoking), Fisheries, Gallery, Photos, Uncategorized
December 18, 2018
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Dec 03 2013
Le séchage du poisson au Burundi (in French)
- By aelgamal in Fish processing (Cleaning - cooling - freezing - drying - salting - smoking), French, Gallery, Photos
December 3, 2013
Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) Le séchage se fait sur les claies surélevées ou sur les treillis et concerne essentiellement le poisson de petite taille comme Lake Tanganyika sprat (Stolothrissa tanganicae) et Lake Tanganyika sardine (limnothrissa miodon). Les poissons sont exposés au soleil pendant une durée de 1à 3 jours suivant les conditions climatiques, jusqu’ à ce …
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Dec 03 2013
Fish drying in Burundi
- By aelgamal in English, Fish processing (Cleaning - cooling - freezing - drying - salting - smoking), Gallery, Photos
December 3, 2013
Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) Drying of fish is done as shown in the photos on raised racks or meshes and relates mainly small fish such as Lake Tanganyika sprat (Stolothrissa tanganicae) and Lake Tanganyika sardine (Limnothrissa miodon). Fish are exposed to the sun for a period of 1 to 3 days depending on weather conditions, until …
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