Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Fish cage farming in villages of Cat Ba island in Vietnam

Credit: Han Huong (Vietnam) This photo shows a unit of village cage farming in Cat Ba island in Vietnam. Several species are cultured in these cages including grouper, cobia tiger shrimp, blue mussel, crarb ……). Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us …

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Community-based aquaculture in gholes (Nepal)

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal). This is a swampy land that is managed by the community and utilized for aquaculture. It is Tikauli  ghole/Swampy land which is situated in Chitwan District of Nepal. It is one of the best examples of community based aquaculture in gholes. It is under community control. Community stock the fish and harvest it. Others …

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Stock enhancement program of native fish in Kulekhani reservoirs (Nepal)

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) Stocking of economically importanty indigenous fish species  i.e. Tor putitora, Neolissocheilus hexagonolepis in Kulekhani reservoirs for stock enhancement. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture or more. This is expected …

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Cage fish culture in Khulekhani reservoirs (Nepal)

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) This cage-fish culture which is family owned was started to assist the people who were displaced by the construction of Khulekhani reservoir for the purpose of hydroelectricity generation. In the initial period of the project, the government of Nepal provided technical assistance as well as financial support to project beneficiaries. The program …

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Fattening of red tilapia in pens in Colombia (in Spanish)

Credit: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia). Corrales de engorde: las dimensiones de los corrales de engorde son 10 m x 5 m para un área de 50 metros cuadrados, altura promedio de 2 m, malla de polietileno negra con un ojo de malla de 15 mm y una densidad de siembra de 25 animales por metro …

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Nursing of red tilapia in Cages and pens in Colombia (in Spanish)

Credit:Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia). Jaulas: jaulas rectangulares de 3 metros cúbicos elaboradas en policloruro de vinilo (PVC) en su marco inferior, en aluminio en su marco superior, malla de polietileno negra de 4 mm de ojo de malla para el levante de alevinos de tilapia roja. La densidad de siembra empleada en estas jaulas de …

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Lighting for zooplankton during nursery and fattening stages of red tilapia in Colombia (in Spanish)

Credit: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia) Se emplean lámparas artesanales por las noches con el objetivo de mantener el zooplancton en la superficie para aprovechar de esta manera la productividad del medio y usar menos cantidad de alimento concentrado durante las etapas de precría y engorde de tilapia roja. Note: We decided not to watermark the …

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Artisanal unit for red tilapia rearing in Colombia (in Spanish)

Credit: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia) Unidad de cultivo construída en madera en la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM), la cual cuenta con jaulas de alevinaje, corrales de precría y engorde para cultivo de tilapia roja.  La CGSM es una laguna costera ubicada en el norte de Colombia que se caracteriza por ser un sistema …

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Farming of red tilapia when fed artificial feed supplemented by Azolla in Colombia (in Spanish)

Credit:Eudes Emilio Sanchez (Colombia) La foto corresponde a un estanques de produccion de tilapia roja, (Densidad de cosecha 4ind/m2, Tasa de conversiòn aprox 1,4:1, temperatura del aguau todo el año 25 – 32 ºC)  alimentada con pienso ó balanceado, pero ademas se le a permitido que el espejo de agua este cubuierto un 40% con …

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Use of wetland treated water in aquaponic system using fish culture in Jordan (in Arabic)

Credit: Abeer Albawenah – Ahmed Al Krisat (Jordan) يدمج هذا النظام الزراعة بدون تربة بمصاطب احواض الاراضي الرطبة وتربية الأسماك في البرك معاً من خلال تغذية الأسماك الموجودة في الأحواض بإستمرار مما يجعل الماء غني بالأسمدة العضوية نتيجة لفضلات الأسماك ومن ثم ضخها بنسب معينة وعلى فترات إلى المصاطب وتقوم النباتات بامتصاص ماتحتاجه من العناصر …

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