Tag: aquaculture

Polyculture of paddlefish, Polyodon spathula with channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Video)

Credit: Steve Mims (USA)                                        Source and ownership: Kentucky State University (USA) Polyculture is the practice of growing two or more fish species with different food habits in the same pond to maximize yield.  Polyculture is most …

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The use of solar energy in an innovative tilapia project in Guatemala

Credit: Ricardo  Morales Rodriguez  (Guatemala) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal and Ricardo  Morales Rodriguez The aim of the project is to cultivate tilapia, a favorite fish in the country, in places where the cold weather does not allow for growth and reproduction and, therefore, limit productivity. The target of using solar energy in this project …

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Cobia, Rachycentron canadum (biology – distribution – aquaculture) – Video

Credit of the video: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This video was taken in mundo marino and te mostramos lo que pasa en el fondo, Colombia Source: www.fishconsult.org Introduction: Cobia, Rachycentron canadum, is the only species of the family Rachycentridae. Other common names for cobia include black kingfish, black salmon, lemonfish, …

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Inland fishery and aquaculture in Thailand

Credit: Proyrat Chaowajaroenpong and Ong-art Kumprasert (Thailand) The major inland water bodies available for freshwater fishery development and aquaculture include 66 rivers, 10,233 lakes, 685 reservoirs and man-made lakes. The total water surface of 566,400 ha. Fish catch from inland fishery amounted 230,000 tons in 2008 of the value of 710,000 U$. Thai inland fishery plays …

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Water resources used in aquaculture in Gaza (Palestine)

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) All water used in aquaculture is the same water used in plant production. The underground water is the only water resource used in both systems (plants and fish). Water depth ranges from 70-100 m. Wells are licensed by Palestinian Water Authority who also determines the quantity of water discharges based on agriculture …

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Water resources used in aquaculture in Gaza (Palestine) – in Arabic

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) جميع المياة المستخدمه فى الاستزراع السمكى هى ذات المياه المستخدمة فى الزراعة النباتية والمياه الجوفية تعتبر المورد المائى والوحيد لكلا النظامين (النباتى والسمكى). يتراوح عمق الآبار بين 70-100 متر. يتم الترخيص للآبار بواسطة سلطة المياه الفلسطينية التى تحدد أيضا كمية الضخ للمياه التى تتوقف حسب مساحة الأرض المزروعة نباتيا Note: We decided not …

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Establishment of metal pools for crop watering and fish culture in Gaza (Palestine)

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) One of the photos show to the crew who are preparing the base site required for the establishment of the circular metal pools used for watering plan crops and for fish culture. The 100-m3 –pool is lined by durable liners which can last for about 5 years. The photos 3 and 4 …

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Establishment of metal pools for crop watering and fish culture in Gaza (Palestine) – in Arabic

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) تشير أحدى الصور إلى مجموعة من العمال القائمين بحفر القاعدة لإنشاء برك معدنية دائرية الشكل وبأحجام حوالى 100 متر مكعب والمصنعة من ألواح من الحديد المجلفن والمتعرج والمبطن من الداخل بطبقة من الجلد. يقدر عمر البطانة الجلد بحوالى 5 سنوات. تشير الصورتين الثانية والثالثة إلى تطور مراحل إنشاء البرك والتى بعد الانتهاء …

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Lecturing in aquaculture training course held in Qatar (2002)

This training on aquaculture course has been aranged and hosted in 2002 by the Ministry of Municipality and Agriculture (Qatar) with the cooperation of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD). The course has been designed for Qatrai trainees. Dr. Abdel Rahman El Gamal delivered several lectures in this course.  

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