Category: Integration and rotation

This category hosts posts in which fish are integrated or rotated with other agricultural crops such rice, wheat, alfalfa, horticulture and others. The integration also include chicken, ducks, rabbits and others. The description of the system as well as the compatibility among various components has been always highlighted.

Integrated agriculture-aquaculture in rural development

This project proposal has been developed by a group of trainees who participated in the Integrated Rural Development training course in 2009. This course is annually hosted by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). This project proposal in its rationality and objectives focuses more on social issues such as employment and nutrition in rural …

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Tilapia farming in water reservoirs of horticulture farms in Egypt

This integration approach has been adopted by some horticulture farms such as gouva and banana. Economic indications are promising. Fertile water when used in horticulture farm would reduced the demand for chemical fertilizers and hence improve the economics of the horticulture farm. In fact, if the right match between fish biomass and horticulture acreage, this …

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Rotation of fish farming with selected agricultural crops

Rotation concept has been practiced based on the nature of aquaculture and agriculture in a given region. Attached pictures show the farming of winter agricultural crops (e.g. wheat – alfalfa) in fish ponds. In temperate climates such as in Egypt, and in situations where Nile tilapia leads aquaculture cropping, fish harvest usually takes place before …

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Integrated duck-fish farming

The compatibility between ducks and fish in such integrated system is of top importance bearing in mind that while ducks are warm blooded animals, fish are cold blooded animals. Therefore proper management should be in place including stocking times and rates. For example, when such integrated system is applied in warm water aquaculture in temperate countries, …

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Integrated rice-fish culture

A well-known model of integrated aquaculture-agriculture which has been practiced in countries whereas rice is a key crop. In Egypt, this integrated system is carried out with the support of the government whereas common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is delivered to contributing farms at no cost. The economic advantages of such integrated system include the increase of rice …

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Integrated tilapia farming and agriculture in Wafra (Kuwait)

In this model, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has been farmed in concrete tanks in agriculture farms where agricultural crops such as alfa alfa, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, etc., are cultivated. Such integrated farms are located in several locations including Al-Wafra, the location the attach picture shows. In order to facilitate draining, tanks are constructed abovr ground level. Water used in these …

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