Tag: Doncella

Pond culture of Amazonian catfish (Pseudoplatystoma spp.) in Argentina

Photo credit: Herman Hennig Hernando (Argentina) Review: Herman Hennig Hernando and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)         The inserted photo shows the harvest of Amazonian catfish (Pseudoplatystoma spp.) grown in a fish farm of earthen ponds located in Caraguatay, Misiones province, Argentine. This species which belongs to family, Pimelodidae …

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Marketing of dried fish in the market of Santa Rosa, Lambayeque (Perù)

Credit: Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) One of the photos shows dried specimens of three species that are namely guitara (Rhinobatos planiceps), raya (Myliobatis peruvianus), and doncella (Hemanthias signifier). In the right bottom corner, fresh doncella is displayed. The second photo shows only dried guitara. Dried fish is popular in Peru especially those for some marine fish. …

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Biological briefing on “Doncella”

Doncella, Pseudoplatystoma is a South American catfish that belongs to the family Pimelodidae. The photo shows one of doncella species; Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, which is known as “tiger shovelnose catfish”. Doncellas typically inhabit major South American rivers, lakes, flooded forests and other freshwater habitats. These fishes are important as a food fish in addition to the demand they enjoy in aquarium …

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