Tag: Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum

Fish catch in Beni River (Bolivia)- Video

Video credit: Paola Luna Morales (Bolivia) Review: Paola Luna Morales and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel)     It is common in the “Beni” river to see the fishermen on their boats with outboard motor while using their sacks to keep their catch of fish alive until they return to the …

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Biological briefing on “Doncella”

Doncella, Pseudoplatystoma is a South American catfish that belongs to the family Pimelodidae. The photo shows one of doncella species; Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, which is known as “tiger shovelnose catfish”. Doncellas typically inhabit major South American rivers, lakes, flooded forests and other freshwater habitats. These fishes are important as a food fish in addition to the demand they enjoy in aquarium …

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