Category: Gallery

An added value fish product, Otak-otak in Indonesian fish market

Credit: Anna Jamil (Indonesia)                                    Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal and Anna Jamil Source: This photo for otak-otak was taken in a fish market in Indonesia. The product is a type of added value fish product that is …

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Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus (Biological information) – Video

Video credit: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia)      Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This video was taken in mundo marino and te mostramos lo que pasa en el fondo, Colombia Source: Introduction: Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus is a species of spiny lobster that inhabits tropical and subtropical waters and has a broad geographic …

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Fishery and marketing of black Pomfret (Parastromateus niger) in Indonesia

Credit: Anna Jamil (Indonesia)                                     Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal and Anna Jamil Source: This photo shows the display of black pomfret, Parastromateus niger in a fish market in Indonesia. Black pomfret (Bawal hitamis in Indonesia) is …

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Blowfish (biology — poisoning — utilization) – Video

Credit of the video: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This video was taken in mundo marino and te mostramos lo que pasa en el fondo, Colombia Source: Introduction: The blowfish belongs to the “Tetraodontidae” family which includes more than 120 species that occur worldwide. Most of blow fish species are …

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Weedy Seadragon (Phyllopteryx taeniolatus) – Distribution – biology – conservation (Video)

This video was taken in Monterey Bay Aquarium, California, USA. Video and text ownership: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Source: Introduction: The weedy seadragon, Phyllopteryx taeniolatus, is the only member of the genus Phyllopteryx and family Syngnathidae which is also known as common seadragon or Lucas’ Sea-dragon. The family includes also seahorses, pipefish and pipe …

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Cobia, Rachycentron canadum (biology – distribution – aquaculture) – Video

Credit of the video: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This video was taken in mundo marino and te mostramos lo que pasa en el fondo, Colombia Source: Introduction: Cobia, Rachycentron canadum, is the only species of the family Rachycentridae. Other common names for cobia include black kingfish, black salmon, lemonfish, …

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Napoleon fish, Cheilinus undulatus (Biology, distribution, threats and conservation) – Video

This short clip was taken at the Sea World, California, USA Source:  –  Video and text ownership: Abdel Rahman ElGamal Introduction: The Napoleon fish, Cheilinus undulatus has more common names including humphead wrasse, humphead or Maori wrasse. This species one of the largest members of the family Labridae as well as all coral reef …

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California yellowtail, Seriola lalandi (Biology – distribution- conservation and aquaculture) – Video

This short clip was taken at the Sea World, California, USA Source: Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Introduction: The California yellowtail, Seriola lalandi has several common names including Yellowtail Kingfish, Amberjack, Yellowtail Amberjack and more names. The yellow caudal fin of the species is behind several of the common names. This fish has a …

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Banggai cardinal fish (Distribution — biology — conservation) – Video

Video and text ownership: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Source: This video was taken at the Sea World – California – USA Introduction: Ichthyologist Dr. Frederick Petrus Koumans he is the one who described the species and erected a new genus, Pterapogon (cardinalfish with long fins), and assigned the species name of kauderni in honor …

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Lake Nangbéto freshwater fishery (Togo)

Credit: Pham Beigue Alfa (Togo) The two photos show a sample of fish catch from the artificial Nangbeto Lake in Togo. The principal fishery of the lake is attributed to the African butter catfish (Schibe mystus), Tilapia guineensis and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The annual fish catch from the lake ranges from 1500-2000 tons. Fishermen usually …

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