Photo and briefing credit: John Chiseba Mwamba (Zambia) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) Historic use of termites: The long winged reproductive termite is edible and highly sought after as a delicacy. Moreover, wild-caught termites have been used as a bait to attract fish and insectivorous birds. Natives of South East Africa …
Category: Photos
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Mar 08 2020
Extensive farming of red tilapia in Colombia
Photo credit: Andres Delgado (Colombia) Review: Andres Delgado and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted pictures show the culture of red tilapia in small ponds at Ricaurte which is a town and municipality in the Nariño Department (Colombia). In such small ponds, extensive farming system is typically applied as locally available …
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Mar 07 2020
Super intensive shrimp farm in Phang Nga (Thailand) – Video
Video credit: Vannamei 101 Description: Vannamei 101 and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel) As the video caption tells, the video is affiliated to a super intensive shrimp farm located in Phang Nga, Thailand. The stocking rate of post larvae in the farm is 300 PL/m2. The shrimp culture in the farm …
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Mar 05 2020
Behind the pictures: Night training and water quality in fish ponds
One of the inserted pictures goes back to 1999 during the first training course hosted by the WorldFish Center (Abbassa – Egypt) for 14 Egyptian fish farmers while the second picture goes back to 2008 during an international training course held at the center. The purpose of night training was not just to measure the …
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Mar 05 2020
Marine life in Kuredu Island (Maldives)
Photos’ credit: Leonel Antonio Zelaya Cerezo (Guatemala) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted picture shows Fish population surveys in Kuredu island (Maldives). Kuredu which is located 150 kilometers from Male, the capital is considered the most popular resort island in Maldives. The reefs fringing the island are easily accessible to …
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Mar 03 2020
Small-scale aquaculture training course – Africa (Egypt – EICA, 2020)
The inserted photo was taken on March 01, during the first technical day of the “Small-scale aquaculture” training course. This 12-day course is organized by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). The course hosts 25 participants from 21 African countries. My contribution to this course includes two lectures and then supervising group activities on …
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Feb 14 2020
Jebel Aulia fish ladder in Sudan
I filmed this video during my visit to Jebel Aulia dam in October 2018. The dam was built in 1937 by the British across the White Nile to avoid the Nile flood. The dam is located 45 km from Khartoum. The fish ladder shown in the video is located along the eastern side of the …
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Feb 13 2020
Poisoning freshwater puffers in a fish pond (Egypt) or a reservoir (Sudan)
The puffers which have several common names including blowfish, ballonfish and others belong to the “Tetraodontidae” family include more than 120 species that occur worldwide. Although most of blow fish species occur in tropical and subtropical ocean waters, some fish species of this group live in brackish and even freshwater such as the ones shown …
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Feb 09 2020
Création d’une écloserie commerciale Oreochromis niloticus pour soutenir la pisciculture extensive et semi-intensive à Samendeni, Burkina Faso
This project document has been developed by a group of trainees who participated during 2019 in the “Fish Culture Development – Africa training course” which is annually hosted by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA) in partnership with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The proposed location of this project is Burkina Faso. The names …
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Feb 05 2020
Turtle Excluder Devices (Development and use)
Photo credit: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted picture shows a turtle escape from a fishing gear. The accidental catch (by catch) of sea turtle in marine environments is a major threat to sea turtle populations worldwide. Often, turtles caught in fishing gear …
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