Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Reproduction of African catfish in Burundi (in French) – a 27-min movie

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) Source: The movie has been developed and owned by Kunagura Ubworozi (Burundi). This 27-minute movie includes the handling of African catfish broodstock, checking the sexual maturation, extraction of pituitary gland, adminstration of the pituitary gland extract, and the ovulation of female broodstock. The movie also presents the sacrificing of catfish …

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Traditional fishing in a seasonal pond in rural areas (Gabon) – In French

Credit: Charles Ibinga Maganga (Gabon) Pêche artisanale dans un étang  saisonnier en milieu rural : ici ce sont des femmes et des enfants qui pêchent un étang mixte de tilapia et clarias, avec des petites nasses circulaires dont le support est en liane (portant un filet fabrique artisanalement de petites mailles≈ 6mm). Note: We decided not …

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Hen houses and fish ponds in Kavogero fish farming station, Kirundo province (Burundi)

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) This photo was taken in Kavogero fish farming station, Kirundo province, Burundi  just after the rehabilitation of the station as seen in the color of unfertilized pond water. There are 2 henhouses above fish ponds. The station has nine ponds whereas Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) are …

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The integration between laying hens and aquaculture in Burundi

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) This photos shows a hen house  over a fish pond at Isale fish farming  station. In total there are three hen houses  over fish ponds in which laying hens are holds. Hens manure and a part of poultry feed which falls on the floor of the poultry house are considered the source of fish nutrition in …

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Harvesting of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus from Busa Dam, Ghana

Credit: Grace Charway (Ghana) This photo shows the harvesting of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus from the Busa dam with a surface area of 5.0 ha in the Wa Municipal district of the Upper West Region, Ghana, from cages. This is the first cage to be mounted in the three Northern Region under the Food Security and …

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Banded jewelfish (Hemichromis fasciatus) in aquaculture in Gabon (in French)

Credit: Charles Ibinga Maganga (Gabon) Hemichromis fasciatus, élevé au Gabon comme prédateur en étang d’élevage monosexe du Tilapia nilotica (les mises en charge se font en raison de 10% du nombre total de tilapia mis en charge). En effet, en élevage associe avec l’Oreochromis niloticus, il assure par sa prédation une régulation de la population …

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Fish feed formulation in Gabon (in French)

Credit: Charles Ibinga Maganga (Gabon) Préparation d’aliment; mélangeur des sous produits: farine de viande « commandé en cote d’ivoire » et  son de blé « SMAG /LBV » + huile de palme « SIAT/Gabon », ici à SODEPAL (Société d’Exploitation du Parc de la Lekedi) au sud-est du Gabon dans une zone rurale (Bakoumba); ainsi donc  pour cet aliment très huileux, il faut …

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Discharging fish hatchery waters into a rice farm (Ghana)

Credit: Grace Charway (Ghana) This is a private farm which is situated by the State owned Hatchery called the Pilot Aquaculture Demonstration Centre at Ashiaman in Tema (Accra, Ghana). The discharged water from hatchery ponds is directed to this private rice farm that utilizes the nutrients loaded in the water and provides a manuring service …

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Karoga Fish station, Gitega Province (Burundi)

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) The photo shows the Karoga Fish station, Gitega Province in Burundi. There are 10 earthen ponds in the station, in which Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus is farmed. It is planned to introduce African catfish, Clarias gariepinus to the station. Station ponds are fertilized by pig manure which are farmed beside. The station belongs to the Nationl …

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Isale fish station (Burundi)

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) This photo is for the Isale Fish station , located in bujumbura province, Burundi). The station contains 10 earthen ponds in total in which Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus is farmed. Fertilization is done by chiken manure produced in chicken houses as seen in the photo. African catfish, Clarias gariepinus has been introduced  in some …

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