Credit: Innocent Zambou (Cameroon)
The photos show fish smokers that belong to the same operation. These represent double oven Chorkor type with dimensions of 2m by 1m. The ovens are separated by an inner wall so that in case of less quantity of fish, only one oven can be used. This particular smoking facility is located near a lake in a locality called “Bambalang” in the North West region of Cameroon. The facility has been built by the government and managed by fishermen.
Fish caught from the lake are transformed to the smokers and then after the smoked fish are sold to whole sellers who carry it to different localities, in particular to the fish market which is held once a week. The commonly smoked fish are tilapia and catfish.
Consumers especially in village areas prefer smoked tilapia because of its affordable prices. In addition, smoked fish can be consumed over at least a week before the next market day. The type of wood used is mostly eucalyptus and other hard wood.