Aquaculture in Kenya (Status – Challenges – Outlook)

This introductory lecture was delivered in the opening of the “Aquaculture training workshop” which was conducted during the period 24 to 28 September, 2018 and held at Kenya Forestry Research Institute (Nairobi).

I tried in this lecture to bring in the information on fishery/aquaculture sector in Kenya but also to highlight other related sectors such as particular agricultural crops which could be used in fish feed. In order to emphasize the rationality of aquaculture development in Kenya, the key human nutrition parameters have been addressed such as the daily per capita protein intake and identifying all sources for such intake. The lecture ended by the challenges facing the development of aquaculture in Kenya. A brief introduction on world and African aquaculture was included in the first part of the lecture. Asplanned, this lecture served as a platform for subsequent components of this training workshop.

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