Cage culture of tilapia in Brazil – Video

Video credit: Elsadig Arbab (Sudan) – Description: Elsadig Arbab and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel)

The inserted post (video) shows a visit to a cage farm of tilapia in Brazil. The visit was accomplished by high level delegates from Sudan and took place during 2014.

The cage units shown belong to a private enterprise located in a small Amazonian river in Toledo (Sao Jose). The operation is a complete one including units for the production of fingerlings, feed mills, and quality control units that process the harvested tilapia from the floating cages. The enterprise manages 1200 cages.

Cages are square in shape with 3 x 3 meters and 2.5 m depth. The strain stocked in the cages are all-male fingerlings Thai Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as well as GIFT strain (Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia). All-male fingerlings have been produced through hormonal treatment.

In order to produce two cycles/year, the average stocked tilapia juvenile is 60 g. Different sizes of floating pellets are used ranging from 1 mm (37% protein) to 5 mm (28% protein)

The production averages 90 kg/m3 of marketable-size fish of 600 g as an average size.

Note: I liked very much the design of the cages especially the simple apparatus that enable 2 persons to move the cage bottom easily

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