Cage farming of Chitralada strain of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Brazil

Credit for photos and breif description: Bamu Ngong (Cameroon); detailed description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal

Floating cages have become the most popular system for rearing tilapia in Brazil in areas with good water quality and suitable flushing rates whereas rapid water exchange and enough water depth are secured.

In addition to large cages, small volume and high density floating cages (6-14 m3) became common in Brazil especially as supported by optimum water quality and farming environment. As shown in the attached photos, small cages are either square (2×2 m) or rectangular (2×4 m) with a water depth of 1.2 m. Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus of local strain “Chitralada” which is known by Thai tilapia is a key farmed species in these cages. This strain has been imported from Thailand in 1995 and is considered the key farmed tilapia in Brazil.  

Cages could be stocked with tilapia fry and grow them to about 30-g fingerlings or could be used for the production of about 800-g tilapia in about 4-month growing season. It worth mentioning that tilapia above 900 g in weight enjoys premium prices in Brazil. The productivity of these cages is quite high and can range from 50-100 kg/m3.

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