This lecture on the management of fish hatcheries was delivered in Fish Culture Development training course during August 2019. The lecture starts with general information related to the various modes of reproduction among aquatic animals of finfish, shell fish, mollusks and others including substrate spawners, mouth brooders till giving birth. The levels of parental care have been also addressed. Relying aquaculture on wild collected seeds has been covered along with less reliability of such approach and hence the necessity to have fish hatcheries. The focus of the lecture has been placed on the hatchery technology of fish species giving examples of various groups of finfishes and crustaceans in freshwater and marine waters including acquiring broodstock, hatchery facilities, reproduction technology (natural – artificial) and the relationship between adopted technologies and the biology of fish as well as the economic considerations. The lecture addressed the quality of hatchery production whether through genetic enhancement or biosecurity measures such as vaccination or disease-free protocols.