This lecture on the management of fish hatcheries was delivered in Fish Culture Development training course during August 2019. The lecture starts with general information related to the various modes of reproduction among aquatic animals of finfish, shell fish, mollusks and others including substrate spawners, mouth brooders till giving birth. The levels of parental care …
Tag: parental care
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Mar 11 2015
Peaceful angelfish may fight sometimes – Video
This video has been filmed during December 2014 in the Sea World, San Diego, California, USA. Before going over the biological information, I was surprised to see how these peaceful fish –as their name tells- can fight. In fact, angelfish are generally peaceful especially when not mating but they under certain conditions such as overcrowding, …
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Oct 23 2014
Fish Hatchery Management (Reproductive biology – natural reproduction – spawning induction – hatchery operations and management)
This lecture was delivered during October 2014 as a part of Fish Culture Development training course. This course is annually organized by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). In order to address the management of fish hatchery management, it was necessary to start begin the lecture with the modes of fish reproduction as well …
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Oct 06 2014
Blue-footed booby (Distribution – description – feeding – reproduction – predation)
Credit for the photo: Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) Introduction The blue-footed booby, Sula nebouxii is a tropical marine bird that belongs to the family Sulidae. The bird got its name “booby” from the Spanish “bobo”, or “bubi” that means stupid. This name was probably given by …
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Sep 17 2013
Glass fish (Introduction – distribution – biology – painted glass fish) – Video
This video was taken in freshwater aquarium, the Sea World, San Diego, California, USA Introduction: The fish is so named because of its translucent flesh whereas all the organs of the fish are completely visible like their bones etc. So due to this nature they gain some name in the aquarium world. There are several …
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Oct 26 2012
Reproductive performance and considerations of clown anemonefish, Amphiprion ocellaris (Thailand)
Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand) The first photo shows a pair of clown anemone fish brooder “or clownfish” (Amphiprion ocellaris) while inhabiting a sea anemone. This species is among reef dwellers. The larger fish specimen shown in the photo is a female. The clown anemone fish are monogamous as a brooder mates with the same spouse except in case …
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Aug 02 2012
Flamingo Birds, Phoenicopterus sp. (Introduction, distribution, description, feeding and reproduction) – Video
The video was taken in Sea World, California, USA in June 2012 Introduction: Flamingos are a type of wading birds in the genus Phoenicopterus, which hosts six recognized species in the world; four species of which in the Americas and two species in the Old World. The Old World flamingos were considered by the Ancient …
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Jul 26 2012
Hornet tilapia, Tilapia buttikoferi (Description – distribution – feeding – reproduction) – Video
This video was taken at the Sea World, California, USA (June, 2012) Introduction: Hornet tilapia, Tilapia buttikoferi, which belongs to the family Cichlidae is known by more common names such as Zebra tilapia and tiger tilapia. Description Hornet tilapia has typical tilapia shape with vertical black color and several yellow stripping extending from the region to …
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