Machinery use in the construction of Egyptian fish ponds (Video)

Video credit: Herman Hennig (Argentina) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel)

This video was filmed in 2015 during the construction of a fish farm in Egypt.

Typically, fish ponds in Egypt are constructed using different types of machinery that are required for excavation, compacting, levelling and dyke construction; bulldozers, rollers, tractors and may be others are used.

The average size of fish farms and so fish ponds justify the use of machinery in the construction and maintenance of fish farms. In fact, the gained experience over years encouraged the establishment of private enterprises capable to carry out the construction of fish ponds. In line with that and according to the official statistics by GAFRD, the land-based fish farms cover around 127,000 ha in 2017. This includes the governmental, private owned, private leased, and temporarily fish farms.

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