Photos’ ownership: Centro Acuicola Huayllampi (Peru) Donated by: Wilder Rodriguez Arteaga (Peru) The two photos show parts (stocking and sampling) of a project on rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss which is conducted at “Centro Acuicola Huayllampi”. Stocking: The photo shows the thermal acclimation of the rainbow trout seeds to tank temperature (19 ° C) before the stocking …
Tag: sampling
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May 08 2013
Farming and processing of catfish and shrimp in Vietnam – 15-min Video
Credit: Nguyen Van Hoa (Vietnam) Source: This video presents farming of catfish and shrimp in Vietnam. Farming husbandry such as feeding and sampling is covered. Fish processing is covered in this video.
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Jul 23 2012
Cage farming of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Burera, Rwanda
Credit: Emmanuel Hahirwabasenga and Rwigiriza Augustin Kanimba (Rwanda) The two photos show the cage farming of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Burera, Rwanda. The lake is found in the Northern part of Rwanda, near the volcanic mountains. Farmed fish in the cages are regularly sampled and inspected. Fish are fed with commercial feed that …
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Feb 24 2012
Bangladesh aquaculture – Sampling of farmed fish
Credit: Mohamed Mahmudun Nabi (Bangladesh) The two photos show the sampling of farmed fish in a fish farm in Bangladesh. Sampling usually is done on monthly basis using simple gears such as cast net. Sampling is carried out mainly for feed adjustment, and also for field observation on growth performance and health condition. Typically, a random …
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Dec 26 2011
Sampling of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in earthen ponds in Egypt (Video)
This video clip on sampling of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus shows clearly the morphological characteristics of a 300-400 g specimen of Nile tilapia especially the bands on the tail. Note: the credit of these video clips goes to colleagues who participated in aquaculture training courses organized by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). I …
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