Tag: tanks

Culture of mud crab in Thailand

Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand)         The photo shows a mud crab rearing tank. The crabs are placed individually in the plastic baskets shown in the tank.  Crabs are fed on trash fish. Through molting and subsequent growth till the market size. These tanks are also used to produce the soft-shell crabs.    

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Water path in a closed aquaculture system for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Egypt -A (Video)

Credit for the video: Victor Hugo (Peru)        Information source: Ismael Radwan (Egypt)         Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The video shows water cycle in a closed system of tilapia aquaculture. The video shows the upward pumping of the water discharged from the production tanks into an overhead reservoir which …

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Tilapia research facilities at Kigembe research station, Rwanda

Credit:  Emmanuel Hahirwabasenga and Rwigiriza Augustin Kanimba (Rwanda) The two photos show the tilapia research facilities at Kigembe aquaculture research station. The station is located in the Southern part of the Country found at least 25km from the 2nd largest city called Huye. One of the photos shows the tanks used to supply water to …

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Feeding the fingerlings of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in concrete tanks (Egypt)- Video

This video presents the feeding of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in concrete tanks

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Sociedad Peña Colorada de Gandho, Hidalgo, México (in Spanish)

Credit: Jorge Valdiviezo (Mexico) Unidad de Producción semintensiva de tilapia, cuenta con ocho estanques de concreto que en total conforman 184 m3, el promedio de producción anual es de 1.2 toneladas.  Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you …

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Fish breeding tanks (ponds) in Indonesia

Credit: Anna Jamil (Indonesia) The photo shows a group of small ponds (tanks) of 2×2 meters each. Farmers who own such type of ponds use them for breeding purposes. Usually, these facilities produce and distribute their production of fish seed to fish growers in the same or nearby villages. Bamboo that surrounds tanks provides the …

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Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt- Part 3- water quality management

Credit: Mohamed El Gazaar (Egypt) Supply of water, aeration and removal of solid wastes As shown in the photo the supply of water is done at an angle of 45o. Placing the aerators at the same angle helps to circulate and move tank water in one direction which will lead to better oxygenation of tank …

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Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt Part 2- Construction

Credit: Mohamed El Gazaar (Egypt) The first photo shows two types of tanks during the construction phase while the second photo shows the concrete base of the fattening circular tanks. Intermediate tanks: The 150-m3 rectangular tanks are used for the production of Nile tilapia juveniles of an average weight of 50-g which are required for …

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Desert aquaculture of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt Part 1- General features

Credit: Mohamed El Gazaar (Egypt) The first photo shows tilapia harvest of grow-out tank in a desert fish farm with a production capacity of 120 tons of fish/year. The production practices are intensified in this farm whereas production ranges from 28-32 kg of tilapia/m3 during a 4-month growing season. The underground water of a temperature …

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Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus when integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt Part 2- Construction considerations (in Arabic)

Credit: Mohamed El Gazzar (Egypt) توضح الصورة الأولى نوعين من الأحواض المستخدمة أثناء مرحلة الإنشاء بينما توضح الصورة الثانية القاعدة الخرسانية لأحواض التسمين الدائرية الأحواض المستطيلة (المرحلة الوسطية):   تستهدف هذه المرحلة التى تتم فى الأحواض المستطيلة ذات الحجم 150متر مكعب للحوض إنتاج يوافع بمتوسط وزن 50 جرام التى تحتاجها أحواض التسمين. يتم إنشاء هذه الحوائط …

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