This lecture was delivered during August, 2015 in the Fish Culture Development training course- Africa that is being organized by the Egyptian International Center for Agriculture (EICA) with the support of JICA. The lecture starts with principles of genetics and breeding focusing on those related to breeding programs. Qualitative and quantitative traits are covered. The …
Tag: Ploidy induction
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Oct 19 2014
Applications of genetics in aquaculture and fishery (principles – selection and hybridization – sex reversal – advanced breeding technologies)
This lecture was delivered on the 19th of October, 2014 in the Fish Culture Development training course that is annually organized by the Egyptian International Center for Agriculture (EICA). The lecture starts with principles of genetics and breeding focusing on those related to breeding programs. Qualitative and quantitative traits are covered. The effective breeding number …
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Aug 22 2013
Ploidy induction in fish using pressure shock (pressure chamber)
The photo shows a stainless steel pressure chamber which is used –among other methods- to induce ploidy in fish. This chamber is designed to place a pressure on fertilized eggs in a value as read in the meter gauge in “psi” which stands for pounds per square inch. The psi values often range from 6000 …
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Dec 17 2011
Ploidy induction in fish
This information bytes address the induction of triplody and tetraploidy fish including reasons, procedures and ploidy identification. [important]Ploidy induction in fish[/important]
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Sep 01 2011
Applications of Genetics in Aquaculture and Fisheries Practices
The presentation addresses mainly the application side of aquaculture practices. Before addressing genetic enhancement approaches, key genetic parameters are briefed. The management of brood stocks in fish hatcheries and selective programs are focused upon in the presentation. Also, advanced genetic technologies such as ploidy induction and genetic manipulations are covered in this presentation. In regard …
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