This video has been filmed during a training program held at the World Fish Center (Egypt). The present demonstration shows the spread of chicken manure over the entire bottom of the pond which is prepared for fish stocking. Typically, after the spread of the chicken manure, water is raised for about 15 to 20 cm …
Tag: pond fertilization
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Dec 12 2012
On-farm demonstration on fish pond fertilization in Zambia
Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia) The photo shows an extension officer from the Department of Fisheries with a group of fish farmers. This was during one of the on-farm practical demonstrations on pond fertilization and plankton bloom. The officer is demonstrating the use of a secchi disc to indicate the bloom in earthen ponds. Note: We decided not …
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Nov 26 2012
Rwanda – integrated fish-rabbit farming – in French
Credit: Leandre Ndahayo (Rwanda) Les étangs ci –contre sont a la fin de leurs construction et les membres de la cooperative suggerent le type d’élevage semi- extensive avec la fertilization naturelle d’où la construction des clapiers. Après la construction des clapiers la cooperative achète les lapins de race améliorée pour la féritilisation des étangs; au depart …
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