Tag: rabbit-fish

Integrated fish and poultry in Benin

Credit: Ismael Radwan (Egypt) The photos show the integration between fish and poultry as carried out in earthen ponds in Benin. Broilers and rabbits are the main poultry in such integrated system while tilapia is the main fish species. Poultry house are established above the water surface in fish ponds providing daily fertilization as required by …

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Small-scale aquaculture in rural development (updated 2013 version)

This lecture was delivered in “Fish Culture Development” training course during November 2013. This 10-week international training course is annually hosted by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). The lecture started with the features of rural community in general before moving to the rationality of incorporating aquaculture in rural development programs focusing on social …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=9798

Rwanda – integrated fish-rabbit farming – in French

Credit: Leandre Ndahayo (Rwanda) Les étangs ci –contre sont a la fin de leurs construction et les membres de la cooperative suggerent le  type d’élevage semi- extensive avec la fertilization naturelle d’où la construction des clapiers. Après la construction des clapiers  la cooperative achète les lapins de race améliorée pour la féritilisation des étangs; au depart …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=7520

Integrated fish farming and rabbit culture in Rwanda

Credit: Emmanuel Hahirwabasenga and Rwigiriza Augustin Kanimba (Rwanda) The photos show an individually owned fish farm whereas the integration of fish farming and rabbit is practiced. The organic manure produced by rabbits is used to enhance the natural food in fish pond and hence improve the nutritional status as well as the economics of the …

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Activities carried out on Uburimyi N’ubworozi station in Burundi – (Movie)

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) Source: www.fishconsult.org This 17-min movie has been produced by Uburimyi N’Ubworozi (Burundi). The movie shows various activities carried out on the station including a brief on the reproduction of African catfish (Clarias garepinus) and brood stock maintence. The movie also shows a glance on the activities of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=3755

Integrated rabbit-fish in rural development programs

This information bite addresses the integration between rabbits and aquaculture. Number of rabbits for a specific acreage of a fish pond is recommended based on field observations. The advantages of rabbits in this integrated system have been covered especially in regard to its biological characters, its husbandry and the premium meat quality. The bite recommends …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=3568

Integrated rabbit-fish culture (Rwanda)

Credit: Fidele Kampayana (Rwanda) These photos belong to a private farm in Rwanda where integrated system is being applied between rabbits and mix-sex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The minimum pond size is about 500m2. Fish are stocked at a rate of 2 fingerlings per m2. In this particular pond, tilapia of 5-g average size has …

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