Category: Gallery

Local and regional trade of Ugandan fish (Arua town fish market)

Credit:  Enima Chris (Uganda) This picture shows fish selling in Arua Town Market on modest facilities. This market which is the biggest fish market in the region was constructed long time and hence requires renovation. Most of the traded fish finally is transported to Democratic Republic of Congo and the South Sudan which are very …

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Fishermen and fishing gears (Provincia de Moxico, Angola) In Spanish

Credit: Fredy Konda (Angola) Aqui estoi junto com los pescadores, com los materiales que fuerom utilizados para colectar amuestras de peces, para analises organolepticos, con objectivo de veriguar se habia sintomas de enfermedad, localidade  cazombo provincia de moxico Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we …

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Sea cucumber trial ponds in Vietnam

Credit: Rayner Pitt (United Kingdom) The photo (A) shows a general view,  probably Van Ninh area where the World Fish Center had a group of research ponds including those used for sea cucumber research. The photo (B) shows some of these ponds under preparation, perhaps for sea cucumber farming trials in combination with babylon snails. The …

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Containment nets for sea cucumber juveniles (sandfish – Holothuria scabra)

Credit: Rayner Pitt (United Kingdom) The three photos a, b and c show the followings: a) small white ‘hapa’ bag (0.45mm mesh) for first-nursery rearing of small juveniles directly from hatchery b) large white bag-net (1.0mm mesh) for second nursery of juveniles (after first nursery in a hapa or outdoor tank) c) pen (fenced area) …

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Conditioning settlement plates for sea cucumber

Credit: Rayner Pitt (United Kingdom) This photo shows stacks of plates being conditioned before being put into a larval rearing tank for settlement. At that time either cultured algae were added to the water in the conditioning tank, or unfiltered seawater was allowed to run through it. (This latter method may have contributed to the …

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Fish farmers’ training in Uganda

Credit: Enima Chris (Uganda) This photo shows a 2-day training program that has been tailored for a target group of fish farmers. Farmers are drawn from a number of areas. The training is conducted at the demonstration site. This training aimed to expose fish farmers to better developed fish farming grounds so that they can …

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Fishing canoes (dugout) in Uganda

Credit: Enima Chris (Uganda) This picture shows abandoned fishing canoes namely dugout canoes. Because of its small size, these canoes can move easy especially in unfavorable fishing zones  like the breeding sites where they can have high fish catchability especially of immature fish. The poverty and lack of funds within the fishing community compels fishermen …

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Artisanal fishery in the Nile (Uganda)

Credit:Enima Chris (Uganda) The overview of the Nile shows the heavy coverage of the river with aquatic plants such as water hyacinth and papyrus which tend to block fishing activities by the fishermen. However, fishermen cut through the plants and set their nets. The common gears and methods used include, gillnets, beach seine, tycooning, spears, …

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A Demonstration fish farm in Manibe (Uganda)

Credit: Enima Chris (Uganda) This photo shows grow out fish ponds located in Manibe sub country. The farm belongs to a fish farmer (Mr. Obedmoth Alfred) of Manibe. The farm is being used as demonstration site for fish farmers. There are a total of four grow-out earthen ponds of 25×30 m2 each. Ponds are stocked …

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Uplifting of Bote communities displaced from Kali Gandaki ‘A’ Hydropower Project by Cage-fish culture in Kali Gandaki Reservoir of Nepal

This project proposal has been developed by a group of Fish Culture Development training course participants under the supervision of Dr. Abdel Rahman El Gamal. The team propsed the establishment of cage aquaculture project for a specific target group of communities who were displaced as a result of establishing a hydro-power project in that region. …

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