Category: Gallery

Integrated aquaculture (Oreochromis mossambicus)- agriculture (lettuce) in an aquaponic system in Peru (in Spanish)

This project proposal has been developed by a group of Fish Culture Development training course participants under the supervision of Dr. Abdel Rahman El Gamal. The team propsed the establishment of an integrated aquaponic system in Peru. The project document started with document components. Project features included project location as well as the criteria for selecting the integrated …

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Production intensive des tilapia mono-sex dans les bacs bétonnes dans la localité de Ngaoundéré, Cameroun (in French)

This project proposal has been developed by a team who participated in Fish Culture Development training course in 2011. Developers recommended Ngaoundere (Cameroon) to be the place of this project. The project proposal began with the rationality and need to enhance the productivity of unit area. The opportunity of the project as well as the objectives have …

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Small-scale aquaponic pilot project in Colombia

Credit: Edwin Gomez (Colombia); Aquaponic is the integration of hydroponic plant production into recirculating aquaculture systems. These photos show an experimental project for a small-scale aquaponic system in a greenhouse in Colombia. This system is simple in regard to construction, cleaning and management. Results are encouraging towards potential applications in rural communities especially in …

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Estación de Alevinaje de tilapia en Paraguay (in Spanish)

This project proposal has been developed by a group of Fish Culture Development training course participants under the supervision of Dr. Abdel Rahman El Gamal. The team propsed the establishment of a center for tilapia fingerlings in Paraguay. The rationality of established this center has been based on the need for tilapia fingerlings as required …

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Small-scale all-male tilapia aquaculture project in Bududa, Uganda

This project proposal addresses the establishment of a small-scale aquaculture project in Bududa (Uganda). The project objectives highlighted the social dimension of the project especially job creation and providing fish at affordable prices. The rationality behind choosing Bududa for the project has been highlighted, the same is true for selecting Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The …

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Farming of salmon (Atlantic and coho) and rainbow trout in off-shore cages in Chile

Credit: Gabriel Salvo (Chile) These two photos illustrate models of off-shore cages. Such cages could be square with approximate dimension of 15-30 meter per side and circular cages with diameters that range from 15-30 meters. Depth of cages ranges from 10-30 meters. The principal species farmed in these cages are  Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, Coho …

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Cage farming of salmon (Atlantic, coho, king), or rainbow trout in Chile

Credit: Gabriel Salvo (Chile) The photo shows a model of cage farming in Chile. Depending on water bodies and quality, the principal species produced in cages in Chile are Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), King Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Monoculture is the only system practiced in cage farming in Chile. Note: …

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Artificial spawnining of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (hormonal injection) – Video)

The video shows the injection of an African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) female. You may notice the small-medium size of female broodstock, the place of injection (dorsal part) and covering fish eyes as a means of calming. Anesthesia may be required especially in larger broodstock. Note: the credit of these video clips goes to colleagues who …

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Sampling of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in earthen ponds in Egypt (Video)

This video clip on sampling of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus shows clearly the morphological characteristics of a 300-400 g specimen of Nile tilapia especially the bands on the tail. Note: the credit of these video clips goes to colleagues who participated in aquaculture training courses organized by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). I …

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Final harvesting of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in earthen ponds in Egypt (Video)

This video shows the last batch harvest of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in a medium size earthen pond (about 1-ha). For quality aspects, fish producers try their best to carry out most of tilapia harvest in 30-40 cm-water depth. However, regardless the fishing gears, there will be always left over tilapia in earthen ponds and …

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