Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Locally manufacturing of fish feed in Benin

Credit: Ismael Radwan (Egypt) The advanced feed manufacturing practices is not available in Benin at the moment. Instead and as shown in the photo, locally available materially are mixed for the production of fish feed. Local feed ingredients include cassava, local fish meal, rice bran, wheat bran, and corn.    

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Production of Nile tilapia and African catfish fingerlings at Richard-Toll station, Saint Louis, Senegal

Credit: Lo Oumy Seck (Senegal) This earthen pond belongs is a hatchery which in turn belongs to Richard-Toll station (Saint Louis) in the north of Senegal.  The station produces about 100,000 of 2-g fingerlings of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) every year. Moreover, fingerlings of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus are also produced.  While fry feeds mainly …

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Cage farming of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Senegal

 Credit: Lo Oumy Seck (Senegal) The photo shows a unit of cage farming in Senegal River. Cage aquaculture was first practiced at experimental level in Senegal in 1984. However, for variety of reasons, the outcomes during the early practices were not satisfactory. From the year 2000 onward, the practice witnesses some improvements as represented in …

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Stray animals on fish farms

Credit for the bubbies’ photo: Water use mission in Egypt (Hans van Zon – the Netherlands) Credit for the nursing cat photo: friends who participated in Fish Culture Development during 2009 In open fish farms, some wild animals may visit and/or stay on the farm especially when the farm provides favorable and safe stay including …

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Historic information: Ship ballasting from the past till now

During 1800s and before, rock ballasting was used to maintain the balance of wooden ships. During those old days, there were ballasting and de-ballasting stations in which rocks were loaded or downloaded respectively (a ballast hill is shown in the image). After the introduction of steel hulled vessels, water has been used instead of rocks …

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Self-cleaning tanks in fish culture

The use of round tanks in aquaculture is favored especially in intensive farming systems whether in hatcheries or grow-out operations. The preference of these tanks is based on the features of these tanks including its naturally self-cleaning action. When water enters any of these tanks, water swirls around the tank and because of the bottom …

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Zooplankton analysis in fish pond water – Video

The video is a part of a training program demonstrating the analysis of zooplankton in a fish pond. As shown in the video, a plankton net is used in the sampling procedures. The mesh size of the net determines the size range of the plankton trapped. A-80μm net will retain small zooplankton such as rotifers …

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Processing and uses of seaweed products in South Korea

Credit: Ahmad Yousef alqarain (Jordan) The type of seaweed processing in this plant includes drying, freezing and packaging. Several seaweed groups are processed in this plant including the following groups. Alaria (Alaria esculenta) is processed for different purposes including the miso soup, salads (steamed whole leaf), use in green or energy drinks (powdered). The “Porphyra” which is …

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Red Sea Mimic Blenny (Ecsenius gravieri)

The Red Sea Mimic Blenny, Ecsenius gravieri is a marine-reef species that belongs to the combtooth family (Blenniidae). They can grow up to 8 cm. These fish are yellow and green in coloration with a series of black markings that follow the lateral line of the fish. The Red Sea Mimic Blennies are herbivores and …

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Sistemas de cultivo de abanico (Argopecten purpuratus) en Perú – in Spanish

Credit: David Mendoza Ramirez (Peru) Desarrollado a lo largo del litoral peruano, empleando principalmente sistemas suspendidos (Long Line). Los niveles de producción de estas especies son de mayor escala (mayores a 50 TM/año). El principal destino de comercialización es el mercado internacional. Su principal desventaja consiste en una fuerte dependencia de las condiciones ambientales para …

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