Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Constructing a fish pond on the campus of Kwadaso College of Agriculture, Ghana

Credit: John Francis Ababio (Ghana) The picture shows students constructing a fish pond as part of their practical training. It is not a typical sized pond. This was done just to give the students practical skills in pond construction and for in-school practical lessons. At the moment, hand building fish pond is the common practice in …

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Los objetivos del programa de acuicultura en Panamá (in Spanish)

Credit: America B. Garcia (Panama) Los objetivos del programa de acuicultura en Panamá son: Proveer con proteína barata de excelente calidad al agricultor de subsistencia. Reducir la demanda nacional que existe sobre la carne roja mediante la producción de especies acuaticas. Aumentar la producción de organismos acuáticos en cuerpos de aguas naturales y artificiales. Promover el …

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Rural Fish Farming in Panama

Credit: Rosa Libia Bellido (Panama) Rural aquaculture is encouraged in poor societies to provide a good source of animal protein necessary for fighting child malnutrition as well as for improving the living conditions. Yields obtained in such systems vary between 0.5 and 1.0 lb /m2/year. For the sustainability of this system, technical assistance is provided through a …

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Fish stocking program in Chandil reservoir of Jharkhand State, India

Photo credit: G. Venkata Raju  (India)        Review:  G. Venkata Raju and Abdel Rahman El Gamal The two photos show the process of fish stocking in Chandil reservoir of Jharkhand State. In order to boost to fish production, the state government has decided to support a program for releasing fingerlings in the reservoir. The government …

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Home-stead ornamental fish rearing units in Kerala State (India)

Credit: G. Venkata Raju  (India)        Review:  G. Venkata Raju and Abdel Rahman El Gamal The two photos show a model of homestead farms that are run by rural unemployed people in their homes. These farms are engaged in ornamental fish production.  These farms are linked to satellite farms that provide fish seedlings as well …

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Culture of guapote tiger, Parachromis managuensis in Panama

Credit: Rosa Bellido de Cedeno (Panama)                 Review: Rosa Bellido de Cedeno and Abdel Rahman El Gamal Guapote tiger, Parachromis managuensis  is native to the Republic of Costa Rica and Lake of the Republic of Nicaragua. It has more of common names including “jaguar cichlid”, “jaguar guapote” or “managua …

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Industrial reefs and fishery resources

Photo credit: Hussein Ali Mohammed Alshihi (Oman)       Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Historic information: Artificial reefs have been around for hundreds of years starting in Japan in the 1600s. The sunken or deteriorating ship wrecks and vessels (e.g. cars, bus bodies, and railroad cars) have been utilized to attract fish and enhance fishery …

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Cultura de camarón de agua dulce (Marobrachium rosenbergii) en Panamá (in Spanish)

Credit: Rosa Libia Bellido (Panama) Notas sobre la especie: Introducido de Malasia: Hábitos alimenticios: omnívoros que se alimentan de gusanos, insectos acuáticos y los alimentos concentrados Disfrutando de alta tasa de crecimiento Capacidad de reproducir en instalaciones especiales

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Culture of freshwater prawn (Marobrachium rosenbergii) in Panama

Credit: Rosa Libia Bellido (Panama) Notes on the species: Introduced from Malaysia: Feeding habits: omnivores feeding on worm, aquatic insects, and concentrated food Enjoying high growth rate Ability to reproduce in special facilities    

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Introduction and impact of water hyacinth in Rwanda water bodies

  The two photos show the invasion of water water hyacinth in a water body (bay) in Rwanda. Water hyacinth is an exotic plant species which was introduced into Rwanda. The dense of the plant growth my reach a level of closing water bodies.  

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