Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Collection of armoured catfish (Auchenoglanis occidentalis) for research in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia) This photo shows a fisheries Officer doing collection of armoured catfish (Auchenoglanis occidentalis) from the wild. This species is still being studied at a Government aquaculture Research station in Luapula Province, for possible induced reproduction in captivity. This expensive fish species is favored by many people in Zambia. Note: We decided not to watermark …

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Enforcing fishery regulations in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia) A Department of Fisheries officer displays fish that was caught during the closed fishing season. It is illegal to be found in fishing or in possession of fish during this period which runs from 1st of December to 28th of February in the following year. The fish and fishing gears are then …

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Production system of scallop in Peru (in Spanish)

Credit: Wilder Rodriguez Arteaga (Peru) Las dos fotos muestran la sistema de produccion de conchas de abanico Foto 1: Linterna Mosquitera (1 mm) – Densidad de siembra 700 x Piso – Talla de 2 mm Foto 2: Pearl-net 2 (2mm) – Densidad de siembra 500 x piso – Talla de 4 mm Note: We decided not to …

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Culture of oysters (Crassostrea belchiri) using cement and long line methods in Thailand

Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand) The two photos show two methods of oyster farming that are namely cement and long line methods. The  3-4 cm; (3-4 months age)  Crassostrea belcheri  oysters are either stick on a cement  pole or stick on a rope using cement and then after, they are placed in the chosen rearing ground in …

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Rice field irrigated by water discharge of Rwojya dam in Rwanda

Credit: Leandre Ndahayo (Rwanda) This rice field shown in the photo receives its water from a dam  (Rwojya) located in Kirehe. The government stocks the dam with tilapia. The fishermen operating in this dam are the owners of the land used in dam construction. Rice fields receive the fertile water from Rwojya dam and hence enhance …

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Fish harvest of Lake Cyohoha, Rwanda

Credit: Leandre Ndahayo (Rwanda) The photo shows the fish harvest of Lake Cyohoha, Bugesera, Rwanda. The lake is being stocked with tilapia under the supervision of the governmental fishery agency. This day of fish harvest takes place six months after stocking and fishery closing. The people appear in the photo are the community members who came …

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On-farm demonstration on fish pond fertilization in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia) The photo shows an extension officer from the Department of Fisheries with a group of fish farmers. This was during one of the on-farm practical demonstrations on pond fertilization and plankton bloom. The officer is demonstrating the use of a secchi disc to indicate the bloom in earthen ponds. Note: We decided not …

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Tank culture of African catfish, in a commercial fish farm in Cross River State, Nigeria

Credit: Mfon Dominic Archibong (Nigeria) The two photos show a commercial fish farm for African catfish, Clarias gariepinus. The farm is located fish at Cross River State which is a coastal state in Nigeria. The production units are 30 Gee pee plastic tanks. Catfish fingerlings are stocked at the rate of 300/tank. In this system, …

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Rwanda – integrated fish-rabbit farming – in French

Credit: Leandre Ndahayo (Rwanda) Les étangs ci –contre sont a la fin de leurs construction et les membres de la cooperative suggerent le  type d’élevage semi- extensive avec la fertilization naturelle d’où la construction des clapiers. Après la construction des clapiers  la cooperative achète les lapins de race améliorée pour la féritilisation des étangs; au depart …

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Oyster cultivation in Pakistan

Credit: Mukhtiar Ahmed (Pakistan) One of the photos shows the construction of rafts for the cultivation of oysters and mussels at Gharo creek coastal belt of Sindh Pakistan. The second photo shows the examination of oyster spats on empty shells at Ambra creek, Sindh.   Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its …

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