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Culture of abalone (Haliotis asinine) in concrete ponds at Prachaubkririkun Coastal Fisheries Research and Development center (Thailand)

Credit: Proyrat Chaowajaroenpong and Ong-art Kumprasert (Thailand) The main features of the culture of abalone (Haliotis asinine) in concrete pond include a water depth of not more than 1.5 meter, clear water, and flow through water of 5-10 liter/min.; aeration of pond water is practiced. Water pollution is considered the main obstacle that negatively affects hatchery …

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Fishermen prepare for fishing in Udawalawe tank (SriLanka)

Credit: D. S. K. Pitigala and Ananda sugathapala (Sri Lanka): Udawalawe tank (reservoir) was constructed in the mid 1960s by damming the Walawe Ganga River to  develop the irrigation capacity in a target zone. At full supply level, the tank covers an area of about 3400 ha. The photo shows two fishermen prepare for fishing …

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Small-scale fish hatchery in Anuradapura (SriLanka)

Credit: D. S. K. Pitigala and Ananda sugathapala (SriLanka) The photo shows a private small-scale fish hatchery which was established in 2006 and located at Eppawala in Anuradapura. The hatchery-produced fingerlings are those for tilapia, Chinese carps and Indian carps. Production capacity of this hatchery is about 0.8 – 1 million of fingerlings/year. The hatchery is …

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Daily fish production (Catla catla) in Udawalawe Reservoier (SriLanka)

Credit: D. S. K. Pitigala and Ananda sugathapala (SriLanka) The picture shows fish catch which is mainly dominated by Catla catla which has been captured by fishing boats operating in Udawalawe Reservoier (SriLanka). Fish traders go the the place where fishing boats land and select the fish species and sizes they like to purchase. In some situations if …

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Jaulas de engorde de camaron de mar en una laguna de agua dulce (Peru)- in Spanish

Credit: Victor Hugo Juarez Pena (Peru) Desarrollo del cultivo de camarones en jaulas adaptadas en agua dulce, en la laguna de Ñapique, Piura, Peru. En la estancion de verano Enero-Mayo 2010 Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you …

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Realizando trasplante de juveniles de camaron (Peru) -in Spanish

Credit: Victor Hugo Juarez Pena (Peru). Trasplante de juveniles de camarón de 1,5 gramos y 25 dias de cultivo, en estanque de tierra abastecido con aguas de rio piura. Enero 2010 Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you …

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Harvest carp pond (Paraguay) – in Spanish

Credit: David Martin Sykora (Paraguay) Cosecha en estanque de carpas practica de cosecha con piscicultores

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Spotted Babylon (Babylonia areolata) hatchery at Trat Coastal Fisheries Research and Development Center (Thailand)

Credit: Proyrat Chaowajaroenpong and Ong-art Kumprasert (Thailand): This Spotted Babylon hatchery uses closed water system which is divided into rearing pond, sediment pond, biological filter, sea weed pond  (to reduce water nitrate using the sea weed, Ulva sp.), and finally protein skimmer to reduce protein residual in the water before pumping it back to the …

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Small-scale aquaculture in rural development

This presentation addresses the role of small-scale in rural development. The features of rural communities and the criteria of small-sacle projects in several countries were included. Models of small-scale aquaculure whether as a sole activity such as cages or when integrated with other agricultural systems such as rice, ducks and chicken have been included. lessons …

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Axial flow pumps in fish farms (Egypt)

In many situations, axial flow pumps in fish farms have been found more suited for low heads and higher discharges which would ultimately enhance farm economics. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture …

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