Tag: African catfish

Fishing practices in the Golinga Dam (Ghana) – Video

Credit: Ivan Venkonwine Kaleo (Ghana) This video was filmed in the Golinga Dam (Ghana). The two individuals are fishermen, one of them lives in Tamele Town while the other in Gbulahgu Village. In the video they are seen casting nets. The fishing boat (canoe) used is a 2-person boat and has a local name “Narin”; …

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Feeding of African catfish juveniles grown in high density in Benin (Video)

Credit for the video: Ismael Radwan (Egypt) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and the video channel) The video was taken in a catfish farm in Benin. The high density of catfish is reflected in the dark cloud of fishing moving in the tank. Often, the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is raised …

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Hand-feeding of African catfish broodstock in Benin

Video credit: Ismael Radwan (Egypt) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The video shows how peacefully the broodstock of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus repeatedly pick the feed pellets from the operator,s hand. We notice the tank has a net coverage to keep the catfish from jumping out of the tank.

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Natural spawning of African catfish, Clarias garepinus in Benin

Credit: Ismael Radwan (Egypt) Source: www.fishconsult.org The photos show the process of the natural spawning of African catfish, Clarias garepinus in Benin. It is believed that the natural spawning when carried out properly, this approach is easier and more economical compared to artificial spawning. The photos show the spawning tanks in which two pairs of …

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Dissecting a specimen of an African catfish male – Video

This 2-min video demonstrates the dissecting of a specimen of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus which was completed with the identification of main organs (liver, spleen, stomach, intestine, spleen, and bladder). The testes identified in the dissected match the male morphology of the specimen. On the dissecting plate there is a tilapia specimen which was already …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=10304

Features of fish farming in Benin (facilities and species)

Credit: Ismael Radwan (Egypt) The four photos show types of fish farming facilities that are commonly found in Benin. Earthen ponds are commonly found as represented by the farm photo which utilizes a modest water flow throughout the year.  The farm of concrete tanks is located in Torri Posseto province. Hapas are also used whether …

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Common fish culture system in Benin

Credit: Ismael Radwan (Egypt) The photo shows a typical fish pond in Benin whereas  such dug ponds of 200-300 m2 are filled by seepage while pumping is used to drain the pond. Usually the farm size ranges from 2-3 acres. The overall productivity usually does not exceed 2 tons/hectar of tilapia whether in monoculture system …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=10246

Production of Nile tilapia and African catfish fingerlings at Richard-Toll station, Saint Louis, Senegal

Credit: Lo Oumy Seck (Senegal) This earthen pond belongs is a hatchery which in turn belongs to Richard-Toll station (Saint Louis) in the north of Senegal.  The station produces about 100,000 of 2-g fingerlings of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) every year. Moreover, fingerlings of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus are also produced.  While fry feeds mainly …

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Aquaculture development in Mali

Credit: Sekou Oumar Coulibaly and   Bamba  Kadidiatou  Soumare (Mali) Aquaculture in Mali is relatively recent and was first practiced in the early 80s. The prolonged drought negatively affected the development of aquaculture and reduced its contribution in the programs for rural and agricultural development. Launching a 3-year Mali/CRSP Project (2007-2010) targeted to promote aquaculture through …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=10158

Artificial reproduction of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Burundi

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) The photos show most of the artificial spawning of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) as carried out in Kunagura Ubworozi (Burundi). The typical practices of artificial catfish –whether shown in the photos or not- include the selection of broodstock, administration of the pituitary gland extract, ovulation and egg fertilization, incubation and hatching. If …

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