This lecture has been delivered by Dr. Abdel Rahman El Gamal during August 2019 as a contribution to the “Fish Culture Development training course – Africa” which is annually organized by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA) with the support by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The introductory part of the lecture addressed the …
Tag: selection plateau
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Aug 16 2016
Applications of genetics in aquaculture (Updated 2016 version)
This lecture has been delivered by Dr. Abdel Rahman El Gamal during August 2016 as a contribution to the “Fish Culture Development training course – Africa” which is annually organized by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA) with the support by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The introductory part of the lecture addressed the …
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May 16 2014
Application of genetics in aquaculture and fishery practices (Updated 2014 version)
This lecture was delivered in the Fish Culture Development training course which started on April 2014. This course is organized by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture “EICA” and supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency “JICA”. The course hosts 16 African trainees from 11 African countries. Even though the lecture focused on the application side …
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Nov 08 2013
Applications of genetics in aquaculture and fishery practices (Updated 2013 version)
This lecture was delivered in “Fish Culture Development” training course during October 2013. This 10-week international training course is annually hosted by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). While the lecture started with an introductory component on genetics, the focus has been placed on breeding programs. The following sub-titles are addressed in the lecture: …
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May 17 2012
Selective breeding in fish
The 3-slide bite introduces the concept of fish selection in addition to the additive genetic variance VA. The illustrations included show the selection process over several generations and how means of selected populations move rightward till the selection plateau is reached. [important]Selective breeding in fish[/important]
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May 14 2012
Fish selection (trend and plateau)
This information bite illustrates the accumulated gain over generations through selection. The bite also describes the factors that influence the response to selection which are namely heritability coefficient and selection differential. The illustration shows the declining gain (response to selection) till reaching the plateau whereas no gain could be achieved unless variation is created naturally …
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