Category: Integration and rotation

This category hosts posts in which fish are integrated or rotated with other agricultural crops such rice, wheat, alfalfa, horticulture and others. The integration also include chicken, ducks, rabbits and others. The description of the system as well as the compatibility among various components has been always highlighted.

Chicken houses and piggeries in Bamessig Fish Station (Cameroon)

Credit: Innocent Zambou (Cameroon) The two photos were taken at the Bamessing Fish Station, Cameroon. The main fish species cultured in the station are Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio). One of the photos shows the chicken house which targets to get chicken manure for fish ponds while …

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Culture of Nile tilapia in integration with poultry in Kisarawe, Tanzania

Credit: Fadhili Ruzika (Tanzania) The two photos show fish ponds which are privately owned and located in Kisarawe district coastal Region, Tanzania. There are eight ponds of 20 x 25 meters each. Ponds are stocked with Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. The buildings shown in the photos is are chicken houses in which chicken are grown …

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Desert aquaculture: Integration of intensive tilapia culture and horticulture crops in Egypt – Video

Credit: Mohamed El Gazzar (Egypt) This project is is located in Mullak Valley, Ismaelia, Egypt. This integrated project has two main components; fish and horticulture. The total acreage of the project is 8 hectares. Fish production component includes four 250-m3 tanks of 130 cm water depth. One of which, is allocated for the production of …

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Rwanda – integrated fish-rabbit farming – in French

Credit: Leandre Ndahayo (Rwanda) Les étangs ci –contre sont a la fin de leurs construction et les membres de la cooperative suggerent le  type d’élevage semi- extensive avec la fertilization naturelle d’où la construction des clapiers. Après la construction des clapiers  la cooperative achète les lapins de race améliorée pour la féritilisation des étangs; au depart …

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Integrated fish farming and rabbit culture in Rwanda

Credit: Emmanuel Hahirwabasenga and Rwigiriza Augustin Kanimba (Rwanda) The photos show an individually owned fish farm whereas the integration of fish farming and rabbit is practiced. The organic manure produced by rabbits is used to enhance the natural food in fish pond and hence improve the nutritional status as well as the economics of the …

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The integration between laying hens and aquaculture in Burundi

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) This photos shows a hen house  over a fish pond at Isale fish farming  station. In total there are three hen houses  over fish ponds in which laying hens are holds. Hens manure and a part of poultry feed which falls on the floor of the poultry house are considered the source of fish nutrition in …

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Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt- Part 3- water quality management

Credit: Mohamed El Gazaar (Egypt) Supply of water, aeration and removal of solid wastes As shown in the photo the supply of water is done at an angle of 45o. Placing the aerators at the same angle helps to circulate and move tank water in one direction which will lead to better oxygenation of tank …

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Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt Part 2- Construction

Credit: Mohamed El Gazaar (Egypt) The first photo shows two types of tanks during the construction phase while the second photo shows the concrete base of the fattening circular tanks. Intermediate tanks: The 150-m3 rectangular tanks are used for the production of Nile tilapia juveniles of an average weight of 50-g which are required for …

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Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus when integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt Part 2- Construction considerations (in Arabic)

Credit: Mohamed El Gazzar (Egypt) توضح الصورة الأولى نوعين من الأحواض المستخدمة أثناء مرحلة الإنشاء بينما توضح الصورة الثانية القاعدة الخرسانية لأحواض التسمين الدائرية الأحواض المستطيلة (المرحلة الوسطية):   تستهدف هذه المرحلة التى تتم فى الأحواض المستطيلة ذات الحجم 150متر مكعب للحوض إنتاج يوافع بمتوسط وزن 50 جرام التى تحتاجها أحواض التسمين. يتم إنشاء هذه الحوائط …

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Culture of Nile tilapia in integration with banana in Egypt

The two photos cover the overall integrated aquaculture-horticulture project. In this specific project, horticulture is represented by banana while Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) represents the aquaculture component. Because of water scarcity in Egypt, the surface irrigation of banana farming is not encouraged due to its high water consumption. In order to compromise between the restrictions …

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