Tag: post harvest

Culture of Indian white shrimp in Egypt: harvesting and post-harvesting (6 out of 6) in Arabic

Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal   فى حالة ممارسة الحصاد الكامل للجمبرى، فإنه غالبا  ما يتم ذلك فى شهر نوفمبر بفرض أن متوسط الوزن المأمول للجمبرى قد تحقق. ونظرا لأن الجمبرى الهندى الأبيض ليس من أنواع الجمبرى الدافنة، فإن الحصاد يتم عادة فى …

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Culture of Indian white shrimp, Penaeus indicus in Egypt: Harvest and post-harvest (6 out of 6)

Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal When the full harvest is the scenario adopted, shrimp harvest takes place around November assuming the targeted size has been attained. Because the Indian white shrimp is not a burrowing species, the harvest usually starts early in the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=10593

Livelihood projects in fish sector in the Philippines

Credit: Hannibal M. Chavez (Philippines) The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) regularly provides the fisher folk with appropriate hands-on training on various technologies in the aquaculture utilizing high-value species including seaweeds farming, improved fishing, specifically in the construction and proper use of passive gears, post-harvest and value adding, as well as, on resource management …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=9584

Post harvest practices of trout in Peru (in Spanish)

Credit: Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) Una vez alcanzado los pesos de más de los 250gr se inicia las cosechas de la trucha. Se cuenta con el apoyo de la población en cosechas de más de 50 kilos ya sean en las madrugadas o durante el día. Con forme los avances en las producciones se ha ido mejorando …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=7960

Cold bathing of whiteleg shrimp, Liptopenaeus vannamei in Thailand

Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand) The two photos show the workers while are pouring the whiteleg shrimp (Liptopenaeus vannamei) into an iced bath. This practice is necessary after harvesting and before grading. While the ice bath is shocking harvested shrimp, it will lead to preserving the meat quality of shrimp and extending its shelf life. Note: We decided …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=6737

Post harvest practices of farmed tilapia in Egypt – Video

Credit for the clip: Samuel Simon Zigizo (South Sudan)   Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal As the awareness on fish quality and safety increases among fish farmers in Egypt, post harvest procedures have significantly developed. The video shows tilapia how tilapia harvest is transferred in netting scoop nets and placed temporary into a tank whereas crushed …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2900

Fish Packing and Transport in India (Video)

Credit: Indian fish farmers and G. Venkata Raju (India) Andhra Pradesh is one of the states of India which supply large quantities of food fish (carp) in other states of the country and neighbouring countries like Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. For that purpose, the fish harvested has to be transported (by road) to the distant …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=2881

Rigor mortis in fish and its relation to quality

This 4-slide information bite starts with an intoductory slide on the rigor mortis in animal in general including its causes and feautures. The remaining part of the bite focuses more on the rigor mortis in fish having in consideration the specific nature of fish as well as fishing and aquaculture practices. Emphasis has been placed on …

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