Category: Gallery

Use of tractors in the construction of fish ponds in India (Video)

Credit: Indian farmers and G. Venkata Raju (India) A tractor is considered an important piece of machinery in fish pond construction. In India, tractors are used for the projects requiring the earth work not more than 200 ha generally. However, finishing work will be done by using the tractors for the purpose of perfect slope …

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Sampling of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in earthen ponds using feed (Egypt)- Video

This video shows a common sampling practice of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in earthen ponds in Egypt. The attraction to feed is used in the sampling whereas feed is thrown into the pond preferably in the same feeding time and at the same feeding spots. As seen in the video, the sampling was carried out …

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Reproductive performance and considerations of clown anemonefish, Amphiprion ocellaris (Thailand)

Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand) The first photo shows a pair of clown anemone fish brooder “or clownfish” (Amphiprion ocellaris) while inhabiting a sea anemone. This species is among reef dwellers. The larger fish specimen shown in the photo is a female. The clown anemone fish are monogamous as a brooder mates with the same spouse except in case …

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Cold bathing of whiteleg shrimp, Liptopenaeus vannamei in Thailand

Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand) The two photos show the workers while are pouring the whiteleg shrimp (Liptopenaeus vannamei) into an iced bath. This practice is necessary after harvesting and before grading. While the ice bath is shocking harvested shrimp, it will lead to preserving the meat quality of shrimp and extending its shelf life. Note: We decided …

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Fishery resources conservation (Primary education) in Cambodia

Credit: Nyro Tum (Cambodia) This photo shows the primary students while painting their pictures for contesting during a fish day event  The topics focus on fishery resources conservation  Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture …

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Towards aquatic biodiversity conservation in Honduras (in Spanish)

Credit: Carolina Cardona (Honduras) La Dirección General de Pesca y Acuicultura (DIGEPESCA) en Honduras trabaja en coordinación con otras ONG, en el caso de la zona de la Mosquitia está apoyando al PNUD  en el   Proyecto Conservación de la Biodiversidad de los paisajes productivos de la Mosquitia” entre  los componentes de este proyecto se encuentran: la …

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A compost crib in a fish pond in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia)                                                            Description: Lumbwe Kaluba and Abdel Rahman El Gamal The photo shows a compost crib in the shallow corner of an earthen fish pond. The …

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Smoking of cichlid fish in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia) The photo shows a simple post harvest technology in fish smoking is being employed. Fish smoking is usually applied to the cichlid family; mainly breams. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a …

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Drying of salted fish in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kaluba (Zambia) The photo shows the previously salted fish when let to dry. Dried fish are ready for market and human consumption. There is a very good market for salted fish in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you …

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Off-shore marine cages in Turkey (Video)

Credit for the video: Ashraf Gouda (Egypt)                                Description:Abdel Rahman El Gamal Source: This video shows the off-shore cages used for growing European seabass (Dicentrachus labrax) and gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) in Turkey. The production of off-shore cages has significantly …

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