The information in this 2-slide bite has been distilled from the document of the United Nations conference which was held in Hot Springs, Virginia, USA during the period May 18 – June 3, 1943. Fish trade has been focused upon in the bite especially in related to salted fish. The prices of salted fish in …
Tag: Salting and salted fish
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Sep 09 2012
Processing and consumption of salted mullet (Mugil sp.) in Egypt
Credit for the photo: David Sykora (Paraguay) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The photo shows the packing of salted mullet (Mugil sp.) before marketing. Although salted mullet is consumed all-year round, …
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Dec 16 2011
Salted tuna in the Sultanate of Oman (in Arabic)
Credit: Hussein Ali Mohammed Alshihi (Oman) تشير الصورة إلى براميل تحتوى على أسماك التونة المملحة. عندما يزداد مزيد التونة وتنخفض أسعارها فإن الصيادون يلجأون لتمليحها وبيعها كأسماك مملحة حيث يصل سعر البرميل إلى حوالى ثلاثون أو أربعون دولار Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we …
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Nov 03 2011
Keeled mullet (Liza carinata) in Egypt
This species is found more in the Red Sea system due to its high tolerance to high salinity. The fry of keeled mullet (Liza carinata) are collected from collecting stations in Ismaelia and Suez. Even though the growth rate of keeled mullet is not high especially when compared to key mullet species, there is a …
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